Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 263

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira’s Soundtrack Challenge #12: A Bit(e) of Hope

“Stop this nonsense immediately!” someone shouted.

Keeping his eyes on his opponents, senses open for any attacks from behind, Sesshomaru gave the newcomer scant notice; however, the guards around him took note of the elderly youkai stepping towards them.

“Back off old man,” a hot-headed guard demanded.

The elder ignored him and forced his way into the circle, his eyes glaring at each and every one of the guards before settling wise eyes upon Sesshomaru.

“If what you speak is true, Sesshomaru-sama, about Akahito-sama, then none of us are honor bound to protect him.”

Hope took ahold of Sesshomaru’s heart.