Golden Veil by BelovedStranger

Chapter 142

Word Count: 100

Prompt from Stella Mira’s Soundtrack Challenge #18: An Arrow For Interrupting Fate

“Stop worrying,” Kagome said, gazing about her for a bow and arrow.

After a second’s hesitation, Akahito called to his palace guards who were amassing not far away. “I need a bow and quiver of arrows, now! And gather up every able bodied fighter willing to fight the bastard who did this.”

Shortly after Kagome had her weapon and stood beside Sesshomaru and Akahito, along with a dozen guards both male and female.

“You sure you’re alright with this, Kagome?” asked a worried Akahito, eyeing her obvious familiarity as she held her bow.

Kagome took out an arrow in answer.