Finding Sesshomaru's Mate by Kimberly Morris


In the Western Palace, in the Western Lord's study was a female inuyoukai, who had silverish white hair, one blue stripe on each cheek and who looked similar to the Western Lord, himself. She was looking over some missives that minor lords of her twin's lands and the Cardinal Lords had written to persuade her brother that their daughters are worthy of being his mate. She scoffed at it. She was frustrated to no end. She knew what those bitches were really after. They were after his titles.

She grabbed all those missives and throw them out of frustration. The General, Hikaru, walked in and ducked just in time to avoid getting hit. No it wouldn't hurt him, but still.

He coughed and said to get his lady's attention, "Milady?"

"Hn," she said in a Sesshomaru-like manner.

"The Lady Mother is here, waiting in the family sitting room."

Inuhime looked at Hikaru. She nodded in acknowledgement. She stood up and walked out of the study and went to the family sitting room. She leaned on the door frame and crossed her arms under her breasts.


The Lady Mother looked at her daughter with a pleased smile on her face. She had her bangs back with a hairpin and her hair was split into two tails like pig-tails.

"Thank you, Nanami." Nanami bowed and left after she served her tea. "Would you like some tea, darling?" She gracefully sip on the tea cup and held it with her dainty clawed hands.

Inuhime walked in and said, "Yes, I would love that." She watched her mother gave her her cup.

"You looked exhausted."

"I am."

"Still getting those tiresome missives?"

Inuhime groaned. "Yes, they wouldn't let up. Sesshomaru told them so many, many times that he's not interested in a mate right now. It seems like each every month that would send one to ask him for some thing. It's getting frustrating, mother. It makes me want to find Sesshomaru a mate so that he wouldn't have to go through this. If I am getting frustrated with this, could you imagine what he goes through?"

Inukimi hmmed. "Yes, it's certainly a headache. I get them, too. It's very tiresome." She looked at her daughter with an amused gleam in her golden-yellow eyes. "Inuki, how would you go about finding your brother a mate?"

Inuhime looked at her mother. "Well, I guess, I would have to at least go to see those lords' daughter to see for myself if they really are worthy of my brother or not."

"Why go see them if we invite them here? Why inconvinence ourselves because of those bitches?"

"Here? Like a rendez-vous of some sort?" Inukimi nodded. "Sesshomaru won't like that. Coming home after patroling and finding those gold-digging bitches here, he'll be furious."

Inukimi smiled at her daughter, "I know, but we can't keep this up any longer, Inuhime."

Inuhime whined pitifully, "Do we have to?"

Inukimi smiled, "Unfortunately, yes, we have to."

"But don't we need his approval?"

Inukimi waved a dismissive hand. "Nonsense."

"But mother, he is Lord."

"Inuki, just because we are having them here, doesn't mean he would have to pick a female to mate. It's just a gathering."

Inuhime rolled her eyes and thought, "Just a gathering my ass."


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Western lands, Sesshomaru with Rin, who was riding on Ah-Un, and his ever-faithful servant Jaken were walking. Sesshomaru was communicating with his beast... well he was really arguing with him.

"Master, we need a mate. This one believes it's time for one."

"Beast, I told you once and I will say it again. NO!"

His beast pouted. "We are lonely. We want companionship."

Sesshomaru inwardly groaned. "We have companions. We have Jaken and Rin. Who else do you want? The Miko?" He meant the last part as a joke. Then there was silence from his beast. Sesshomaru took it as if he got his point across. However....

"Actually, master, the miko will be prefect."

Sesshomaru stopped abruptly with his eyes wide open of shock. Jaken didn't noticed that his lord stopped so he walked right into the back of his legs.

He squawked, "For-forgive this lowly one, milord!"

Sesshomaru didn't acknowledged him. "Beast, the miko is off limits. She's with our idiotic half-wit half-brother of ours."

His beast pouted. "Is that what is stoping you, master? How do you know she's still with the half-breed?"

Sesshomaru snarled, "It doesn't matter if she is or isn't! She is human!"

His beast rolled his eyes. Sesshomaru began walking again. "Master, the miko is powerful. She's not Izayoi."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. "It doesn't matter. She's still off limits. Now enough of this beast! I grow tiresome hearing this."

His beast said, "Fine, you'll have it your way... for now. Sooner or later, you'll realize it. For our sakes, lets hope its not too late."


AN: Ok, would you like me to continue or what? Reviews will be great!