Kagome smiled at her two friends that were visiting her and Sesshomaru today, Ayame and Koga. They were the couple’s closest friends, or well it was kind of an alliance in terms of Sesshomaru and Koga, but boys will be boys. Kagome and Ayame, however, both girls were quite close to each other. Ayame was there for the birth of Kagome’s son, Akihiko. Her son was off playing with some of the other children from the palace. Her and Sesshomaru were hosting a gala in honor of Aki’s fifth birthday. They were such proud parents and the leaders from each of the kingdoms had come to celebrate this momentous occasion with the Lord and Lady of the West.
Ayame pulled Kagome to the side.
“Kagome may I speak with you for a moment?” Her beautiful teal eyes looked worriedly at the younger raven-haired girl.
“Of course Ayame!” Kagome said, she was bright and cheery. There was something that Ayame clearly needed to get off of her chest. “Darling, I’m going to go upstairs with Ayame for a little bit, do keep yourself and Koga out of trouble.” Kagome said playfully to her mate.
“Hn.” Was the only reply that she received, however Sesshomaru did collect her up for a passionate kiss before she went upstairs with Ayame.
Once the pair was upstairs Kagome was nearly bouncing with excitement. Ayame cautiously shut the door and the window before turning to the miko in front of her.
“There’s something that I have to tell you Kagome, and I must ask you a favor, you must not tell anyone about this; not even our mates.”
“I promise! Out with it already! You are killing me with suspense!”
“So strangely you talk sometimes dear friend of mine. However what I have to tell you is that I recently found out I was with pup.” Ayame admitted in a hushed tone.
“YOUR PREGNANT!?” Kagome screamed before Ayame shushed her harshly.
“Not so loud!”
“I’m sorry, I am just overjoyed! Do you have any idea what it’s going to be?” Kagome asked in hushed, yet excited tones.
“I have been to the land’s soothsayers in secret. They have told me, and I know in my heart it’s true, that I am going to have a girl.”
“Oh my gosh! A darling baby girl! Oh what if one day your daughter and my son got married!” Kagome said happily as she giggled and it was clear that she was plotting the future wedding.
“Oh what am I going to do with you my dear?” Ayame said with a breathy chuckle.
“Well without my friendship you won’t have very good counsel, or a girl your age who has gone through this scary process.” Kagome said with a quiet chuckle. “When are you going to tell Koga?”
“I’ll tell him when the time is right.”