A Japanese Gigolo by Luna C.

Silence is Golden

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 36: Silence is Golden

“Whores or hoes are not welcome here.”

“Miroku, get your friend.” Kagome growled out.

“Now, now children, let’s all be friends here.” Miroku started, “Kagome is not a whore and Sesshomaru can be… I don‘t know, civilized?”

Inuyasha’s face twisted. “All he knows is how to be a prick or an asshole.”

“Inuyasha, it was nearly paradise when you didn‘t open your idiotic mouth.”

“Bastard! I can talk whenever I feel like it!”

“Kami, can’t you guys not fight for five minutes?” Miroku groaned.

“I didn’t fight with this bastard for a minute.”

“Well… that’s a vast improvement, Inuyasha.”


Prompt: Recrudesce

Word Count: 100

Stella’s Word Prompts - March/Week 3