A Japanese Gigolo by Luna C.

Bachelor's Pad

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 32: Bachelor's Pad

Quickly, without an apparent reason behind their hurried pace, they approached the door. Inuyasha, with keys in hand, slowly pushed one in as if savoring the moment.

“Can you hurry up?”

Without further ado, the door opened loudly with a bang, smashing against the wall. Kagome took a glance around, seeing the epitome of a bachelor’s pad. Taking their shoes off, all which were dry with the exception of Inuyasha‘s, who walked through the grass, collecting dew drops, they entered further.

“Is is always this cold in here?”

“Yeah that and since that bastard’s here, it’s gonna get even colder.”


Prompt: Dew

Word Count: 100

Stella’s Word Prompt Game