A Japanese Gigolo by Luna C.

Two Holes

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 11: Two Holes

“Doesn’t matter, what matters now is that Sesshomaru doesn’t know much about women, so I guess I can give him some brotherly wisdom.” Inuyasha said. “First of all, women have two holes, you don’t put it in their ass.”

Miroku gave him a blank look and slowly said, as if speaking to a child, “No, they have three.”

Sesshomaru felt an irresistible, small smirk spread across his face.

“Seriously, what is the other hole used for?”

“To pee.” It was amusing when Inuyasha turned red, from embarrassment. Blood brothers they may be, he didn’t ask the whelp for his input.


Prompt: Consanguinity

Word Count: 100

Stella’s Word Prompt Game - November/Week 3