To risk everything and still survive
Koga nearly did not know what to say to what she had said. He hadn’t realized she had no desire to eat.
“Kagome, you know that you need to eat, you need to keep your strength up.” Kouga said as he handed her a stick that had roasted bore on it. “You’ve survived an horrendous ordeal. It’s truly surprising that you have survived. But you owe it to everyone to endure and to come out stronger than ever.” Koga said in a rare moment of sophistication.
“Fine.” Said said unhappily as she began to nibble on the meat and he sighed in relief for a moment. Taking care of Kagome was certainly going to be a handful.
Kagome sighed to herself as she attempted to eat the meat that her body had no desire for. She had never felt more alone in her life and although Koga was being a dear and trying to take care of her, which she couldn’t be more grateful for, she couldn’t keep away the dark thoughts that swarmed through her mind.
You are alone now. Your closest friends are dead. This leaves you to try and complete the sacred jewel on your own and attempt to defeat Naraku. You deserve this, because you were too caught up with your tragedy of a romance you did nothing to advance your training. Because of this everyone you loved died! You deserve to be alone and you deserve the cold death that will come.
This thought train made Kagome whimper quietly.
Words: 260
Challenge: Sunset Miko’s Challenge
Prompt: Alone