An ode to the western lady by Lone saiyan woman

An ode to the western lady

Well I just got done reading one of the best manga’s out there my heart is so full that I cannot resist writing something that I would like to translate to my favourite anime couple. The manga is called Tramps like us. It is such an amazing manga I cannot describe it, I suggest you read it and try and experience what I just did. Oh blah i feel emotional.


An ode to the western lady

If I should look into your eyes and speak through to you, no syllables uttered could ever convey what I want to say. If I could physically push my passion into you I would be afraid you would choke. It is not possible to feel what I am feeling when I look at you, nobody can feel as I do and yet as your stronghold of blue glimpses me. I am caught.

I am trapped and yet so free, a bird who’s wings were never clipped yet somehow could not fly. I feel robbed of my independence yet the strength I feel flows through you. My dependence and independence are synonymous they are one and the same. I stand on my feet because of you, my strength, my saviour, my survival.

To look at you, I see so many things, my end, my beginning, my heart, my pain, my glory, my victory, my lover, my mate, my wife.

I could never reach the end of titles I could give you, they are infinite and none powerful enough to carry through what you give me.

My completion

My life

I still don’t think you know how important you are to me, too much rests on you. To lose you is the end, not of this world…The world will go on as it always has but I cannot guarantee myself. If you are gone then am I. There is no logic behind this, even if I remain on the physical plain I will never be conscious I will just be a body I would not exist.

So as I pound this dirt beneath my feet they always lead to you because when I see you, I don’t know when the world ends or when it begins.

My joy resonates in you, long live the western lands and long live the western lady.

Yours,  Sesshoumaru-Sama