Child's Play by Luna C.

Lonely, Oh So Lonely

A/N: Thank you to those for reading and reviewing! Finally an update! Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do no own Inuyasha

Chapter 14: Lonely, Oh So Lonely

There he sat again, in the same sandbox playing by himself. It was recess, the other kids were playing games, laughing and having a giant blast. They ran around each other, tickling one another, and just having a great time.

He wanted to join them, but his shyness made itself known once more and he forced himself to play away from them. He wasn’t like them, he couldn’t just immediately go up to them and ask to join, he didn’t have that type of courage.

Sometimes he wished he could change, but it was impossible. He couldn’t overcome his shyness.


Prompt: A leopard cannot change its spot

Word Count: 100

Stella’s Proverbial Challenge