Hortor: to exhort, incite; to harangue troops.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Word Count: 100
There were only three things that could incite Kagome’s rage: Naraku, Inuyasha, and the idea of those she loved being in danger.
So you can imagine how furious she was when Akira brought her to the center of the village and she saw Rin and Shippo flying in on Ah-Un.
Without any protection or adult supervision.
She saw red.
“Rin-chan! Shippo-chan!” she yelled. “You come here right now!”
The two children paled and jumped off of the dragon, quickly complying with Kagome’s demand.
“What were you two thinking? Rin-chan, does Sesshomaru-sama know you’re here? Shippo-chan, are you skipping school?”
Not the way they planned it.