The Language of Love by Himura Asami


Edax: greedy, gluttonous, rapacious, voracious.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.

Word Count: 100

            It was believed that Sesshomaru was faultless, but he wasn’t. He was completely aware of his faults– and as such, he didn’t need to be told what they were.

            He had tried– through glares and growls– to explain this fact to his mother, but he never seemed to get through to her.

            She sat across from him in his personal study, looking as regal as ever. A small smile could be found on her lips.

            “You are greedy, Sesshomaru-chan.”

            Sesshomaru growled at her.

            “Come now. You must know you cannot have everything you desire.”

            “But this Sesshomaru will have her.”

More dialogue!

I would have made it a one-sided love to start, but I only have 22 prompts!
