Caelo: to engrave or chase; to carve in bas-belief.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Word Count: 100
And, Kagome couldn’t forget the daiyoukai who had taken Rin away. The daiyoukai who had engraved his name into her heart unknowingly.
She hadn’t seen him since he had retrieved Rin from the village, but she missed him terribly.
Kagome growled and stomped her foot. She didn’t understand how she had managed to fall for him of all people– of all youkai!
He was cold, indifferent, and out of her league. He was unattainable and probably already had hordes of women chasing after him.
Not to mention he hated all humans except for Rin.
Kagome cursed her taste in men.
This is depressing.
I need some dialogue.