The Language of Love by Himura Asami


Saevus: raging, fierce, furious, violent, savage, cruel.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.

Word Count: 100

            Mitsuki looked at the red inu in front of her, smiling slightly.


            That was her name, and it suited her well, because the princess was indeed savage and cruel. She was powerful, royal, and beautiful.

            She would be perfect for Sesshomaru.

            “Well, Ingo-chan?”

            Silver eyes narrowed. “I’m afraid I’m a bit hesitant, Mitsuki-sama. I have met your son before, and he does not appreciate interference in personal matters.”

            Mitsuki cocked her eyebrow. “I will protect you from his wrath.”

            Ingo growled defensively, stung by Mitsuki’s implied insult. “I do not fear his wrath. I will be happy to help.”

Ingo doesn’t need protection!

(Yeah she does.)
