The Language of Love by Himura Asami


Laesio: injury, harm, hurt, an oratorical attack.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.

Word Count: 100

            Kagome frowned at Rin’s obvious attempt to change the subject, but let it slide. If they were doing something for Sesshomaru that she wasn’t allowed to know about, she wouldn’t pry.


            Kagome sighed and shook her head. “I suppose all that matters is that you guys are here now, and that you weren’t hurt. I’m glad to see you both.”

            Rin and Shippo smiled.

            “We’re glad to see you too!” Shippo said.

            Rin nodded. “Yes, but you have to look at the gifts!”

            Kagome pursed her lips. “Right. The gifts. I’m sorry; what are they for again?”

            Rin grinned.

She’s not going to pry “much” and Rin is grinning.

I feel sort of bad for the only male in the room, even though he is in on the secret.
