Two In One by Zecon

Two In One

Two In One


Two in one is a work of Fan fiction based on characters of the manga and anime Inuyasha. I do nots own the character's other then the few that are made by me.

This story is rated MA for adult content and will not be posted on some sites, however the mature content will be written in seporet chapters which will be posted on proper sites. Don't worry you will still read the main story just miss the juicy bits.

This is one of the few fanfics I have done in my life so please go easy on me. Okay here we go.



Darkness. It always seems to start that way doesn't it? Dark and then blah blah blah. Well in my case it was dark, just dark. Nothing else. Standing here all I felt was overwhelming confusion of why I was stuck in this place. There was no sound, light, or smell.

It puzzled me until I felt a pulling sensation. A pull like a string that seems attached to your heart, pulling you tword the hand on the other end . I turned with the pull and saw a light in the darkness. From the light a figure emerged. The shadowed shape was that of a tall man. The odd cloth, tails, hair, or what ever they were, moved in a wind around the figure that I could not feel. The shadowed shape looked to be a warrior of some sort, with what appeared to be spiked shoulder armer, high knot pony tail, and whatever else was flowing around him. However with only an outline to go by I could not do more then guess.

A deep voice echoed through the darkness. It swept through it like a knife to hit me square in the chest, where it rang through out my body like a tuning fork. To tell the truth it was not at all unpleasant. The feel of the voice was like being introduced to the most dacident and richly made chocolate you have ever tasted. Swirl the taste in your mouth and swallow it slowly as your body hums in cat like pleasure. Yeah, it is that scrumptious.

Child of the other world, I have called you here to aid in a venture that my two children now face. A great evil is sweeping the land, and an even greater threat from the world that you come from is helping it along.”

I stare at the shadow and blink. My mind fighting to process the simple, yet outragious request.

As I speak my voice is feels like I'm trapped in a small padded room. The sound of it dieing before it reaches a few inches from my face.

' Help? Help how? I can’t help anyone in an adventure. I can barely help myself most of the time.' Unsure on wether he heard me or not I thought to repeat myself. However the figure heard my words.

You have more power then you realize. However you alone can’t stop the evil forces, nor will I expect you to. Where you are about to go you will have aid. But first I bestow a gift to use on your journey and a message to bestow upon my sons.”

The next thing I know the shadow was closer. Looking up I saw it tower over me, fear entered my being as I felt strong large hands cup my chin and tilt my head up. Warm breath fans my face like a warm wind. The brush of masculine lips over my own as the shadowed figure whispers,

The Moon is a mighty thing, but without the of the Sun and Earth, it can never be.”

My eye brow shot up at that. What kinda message was….. then lips descended upon mine. A mouth sucked on my own, lips and tongue brushing mine. Entering my mouth the to battle my tongue. I found myself returning the kiss, unknowing of the reason or why it was happening. I suddenly felt what I can only explain it as pure electricity hurtling between his lips into my own.

I drank pure power, and it left a sensation equal to the feeling of fear that leaves a tang taste on your tongue. Tingly and consuming.

Then as suddenly as it filled me I was falling…..

( …..................................................................)

In another time and place, in the far country of Japan is where our tale begins. The time is the feudal era close to western border lands. Somewhere in this place rested a group of adventures who are resting for the night after a long days worth of traveling. The team were on a quest, a quest to find all the shards of the Shikon no Tama. The group itself was an odd sight to behold to any who would pass them by. Made up of a dog eared hanyou, a young kit, a taijiya, monk, fire neko, and a young miko none have ever seen such an odd combination of beings togeather.

The young miko in question, laid awake looking up at the sky through the branches of the tree that the members of the group used as cover. She was sixteen, still in high school, and at the age of fifteen had been dragged into an adventure of a life time. An adventure full of Demons, soul stealing miko's, traps, spells, and an cluster of smexy men varying from demons, humans, and hanyou. Some time's life was so crazy she just wished she would have stayed indoors on her birthday.

Over the last year or so she met many people, ningen and youkai alike. Some had been enemies and became friends, others had stayed enemies and became the worst of villains. The absolute worst one of all was the hanyou Naraku. He was their prime enemy and one of the reason's why they were all together. They all had a beef with him in one way or the other and all wished to finish what the halfling started. However the young girl had not officially lost anything or tricked by Naraku before coming here. Her only reason for despising him herself is his ability to manipulate and torment others. Most importantly were the ones she called her friends. She could not stand for such a thing and silently vowed to do all she could to protect her friends, other beings from him.

On this night, however, as she laid under the tree surrounded by her comrades, she thought to herself. She thought of all of her decisions from the very moment she was pulled into the well, to now. She thought about her duty to reclaim the shards and the dangers that came with it. She thought of the Hanyou dog boy and his antics, never truly knowing what he would do next and always emotionally confusing. It had become a point in the young woman's life that she didn't know if she felt comfortable with how their relationship was going or how to deal with it. She felt lost. Knowing what she did about his affections for undead miko (( An: AKA bitch of the old world- sorry if your a fan but I don't like her!))

she struggled with how to act toward them.

' What do I do?' She thought, ' I love him don't I? I mean he's cute, he's saved my life many times. He's brave, loud mouthed, obnoxious, self centered.' Wait the last few were not very positive. She sighed. ' I understand that he and kyko had a past. He still sees things as if its still forty or so years ago. I understand that to him, time had not moved at all. It was like as if a few hours or days have gone by. Yet for him to be unable to let go, or to be so blinded by her faults.' She sighed again, ' I can except that. I can be his friend, his ally. Its my fault the jewel of four souls is in peaces and that Naraku has gained power because of it. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.'

Her thoughts were suddenly interupted as she felt a disturbance in the air. The very air was thick with the feeling of power. It warped and tingled around her like a playful spirit. She felt a pull and found herself silently rising from her sleeping bag and slowly, quietly, making her way away from the group. She walked between trees and bushes, following the pull until it took her into a wide open field filled with tall golden grass. Making her way through the grass she looked up to see the clouds churning and the sky become a mesmerizing mass of changing color. It shimmered in an array of colors, her senses going mad as she felt her eyes glued to a swirling vortex that suddenly appeared in the very center of the sky. Her body stopped directly under the vortex and she watched in amazement as the vortex seemed to billow out slightly toward her then suck back into itself and shape and form into what first looked like hundreds of smaller whirling clouds. The clouds themselves transformed into gears. All interlocked and varying in sizes. The gears spread to become hundreds of gadgets and clock faces. Soon the sky was nothing more then a large series of gears and clocks. All manors of clocks stared back at her, but the largest of them all hung over her head. It was as large as a small moon and the very center of said clock pointing down at her.

The young girl stared amazed and transfixed by the odd marvel before her and she soon felt the power rising as the wind around her whipped about as if irritated by the oddity. All of a sudden the sound of hundreds of clocks great and small chimed at the same time. Filling the air with with their alien tune. Beings far and wide were awoken or paniced by the sudden sound. Others stared at it with a mixture of bored awe. Eyeing the oddity in search of threats.

The sound awakened the girls companions.They look about in search of enamies and are taken back at the odd site before them. The youngest and smallest in there group notices that a crucial member was missing. The hanyou's nose sniffed out the girl's sent and tracked her to the field, the friends follow, weopens at the ready, thoughts fearing the worst. As they enter the field they witness the miko suspended in midair, an odd pink energy shielding her as a light from the spinning vortex engulfed her form.

The half breed, seeing his friend in peril, runs to her. His muscles working over the dry grass as it bends to his hurring body. Eyes intense as he cries out,


The empty eyes of the young miko turned to the hanyou as a red ball of light shot down toward her.


The ball of light strikes the girl just below her rib cage. Her body bending back violently, but to her friends that raced after the hanyou, it all appeared as if in slow motion. Her body being pierced by the red light, her form bowing toward the heavens, her person engulfed in red hazy light, then darkness.


The first thing I felt as I awoke was pain. It shot through me like lightning and dug its way into my middle. I groan and huddle into myself.

' Damn it all! This is not what I need this morning! Gas. I hate gas! Always intestinal, need to tear your body to peaces gas! Why!!!!'

I moaned in pain as I wait for the damn pain to pass. It was gut wrenching, no pun intended, and made me feel the need to hurl rising faster then a tsunami after a small island of ants. The sickness ate at me as I tried to swallow back the sensation. It left in small increments as I tried to think of other things.

' Sexy men, Dragons, Sexy man dragons, Hot dogs, ( Feeling sick need to not think of food) Kitties, cartoons... oh gods!'

I heard a rustling behind me as I felt a form moving my way. A small body jumped up on my side an instantly I though, ' Oh great my cat's hungry' I was about to tell her to get off when a young voice cries out.

Hey guys! She's waking up! Kagome! Kagome are you alright?!”

My breath stopped. I knew that voice. I knew the name. But why was the voice calling me Kagome. Thats not right.

More noises came, the loud pounding of earth being trampled as feet ran to my side.

A deep voice said, “ Lady Kagome are you alright?”

A female voice said, “ Kagome! Kagome can you hear us.”

A distant sound of a soft meow entered my ears as I felt the bodies come closer. I was wrapped in a world of blackness and confusion. I didn't open my eyes, I was to afraid to. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong. I'm dreaming, oh I'm dreaming. Yeah yeah I'll just do the thing I always do to make sure I was dreaming!

I bite my lip, hard. Pain exploded through my lip and hard core fear fallowed. A fear so strong I could taste the sourness of it on my tongue. I was not dreaming.

Another voice slightly further away came, fallowing a rushing sound and a hard impact of body landing on ground.

Hey whats going on? Is Kagome awake? Kagome!”

I felt the other body move to me and fear elevated higher. The sound of moving feet stopped.

Guys. There's something wrong.”

The female voice asked, “ What Inuyasha?”

Oh I wish she did not say that name!

She smells scared. Terrified.”

I felt the pause.

The other male voice said, “ Lady Kagome why are you afraid?”

A chorus of Kagome, Kagome, rang around me until I could not take it anymore. The fear over took me and I found myself leaping up and running. I didn't know where or what was around me, all I knew was I had to get away.

Had to get away.

However life is not fair.

Strong arms circled my body and lifted me up into the air. A Scream erupted from my lips and animal instinct kicked in. I kicked I flung myself about, but the arms were to strong.

Kagome what the heck is wrong with you!” The male voice was full of irritation. And the one word erupted from my lips in hopes that if this was real it would work.


Suddenly I found myself falling back, hitting a solid wall of male flesh and falling further until I was in a crater made of said body. The back of my head hit the boy full on in the face and pain erupted through me. I sat there dazed and on top of a boy who should only exist in stories. A boy who's name titled said story and in which the female main character fallows him about. Falling in love with him, being hurt, and saved by him. So many things surounded this boy.


I was on top of him, and I just sat him. Now I'm stuck in the hole I made with his body under me.

I have to go!

I made a move to get up when the arms were back. One flung itself over my lips so I could not say the cursed word again.

Freaking out worse I try to struggle.

Stop it!” Came the angered shout.

I stopped.

If he wanted to he could seriously hurt me. I didn't want that.

Getting up proved difficult for him with me on top. However he managed and leapt out of the hole with ease. Fear heightened with the sudden movement and small flight time. When he landed I tried so hard not to see him not to take in anything.

I don't know why I did, all I knew was I had to pretend that this was not happening, that this was somehow not real. However as he turned me about to face where I ran from I could not help but see the other people.

There they were, walking toward us with a purpose and all with equal worried faces.

Miroku the perverted monk, with the cursed right hand.

Sango, the Demon slayer, with the demon cat kirara on her shoulder.

Shippo the small demon fox on the Monks shoulder.

All of them looked exactly like there cartoon counter parts. Only because they did look exactly like cartoons! Only the actual look of them seemed more 4d, vibrant, like a very good computer graphics. The arms holding me felt to real as well. Warm and very strong. The red fabric was soft leather on my bare skin and the breath at my neck was even and hot.

This was no dream. It was real. It was very real. And somehow. I was trapped in the world of Inuyasha.