The One by Luna C.

No Other Woman

A/N: Yay an update! Thank you everyone who reviewed! Enjoy this chapter. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

Chapter 26: No Other Woman

It was an understatement on how nervous he was. He shouldn’t be, she was just a woman, but she was his employer. That was what made him nervous. He couldn’t exactly say no, not when she was looking up at him with those big, blue eyes. Sesshomaru gave a small sigh, carrying his supplies and equipment to the sixth floor for another assignment. He knew once everyone saw them together leaving the building and returning, the rumors would spread like fire, and his days of being incognito would be over.  Everybody would know his name and that was something he dreaded the most.

He should have said no, there was too much at stake, but his emotions came through, a masculine feeling when the pretty woman asked him to lunch. There was no denying that she was beautiful, who could say no to her? He was unwavering to the tricks of women no matter how beautiful they were, but one look at Kagome Higurashi and her overly expressive face and his mind went blank. There wasn’t an ounce of an ulterior motive, her emotions genuine, and that unfortunately made him unbalanced and agreeing to things he wouldn’t normally do.

Why does his employer  have to be beautiful, anyone else and it would have been easier to ignore them like their existence was irrelevant. But that woman plagued his mind the last couple hours after fixing the bulb on her floor, something no other woman had achieved thus far from him.


Prompt: Beautiful

Word Count: 250

Phae’s Word Prompts

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