A/N: Yay another update! Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Chapter 21: A Special Angel
Sango kept an eye on Kagome, watching her sigh for the fifth time in half an hour after returning to their floor from the meeting. She was standing near the windows, looking out beyond the city, clearly day-dreaming. “Kagome, are you okay?”
The woman blinked, turning her head to look at her friend. “Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“Oh nothing, you just been sighing a lot.” Sango commented, the other woman merely chuckled and twirled a piece of obsidian lock around her finger. The action utterly feminine. “Is it that worker?”
Kagome gave another dreamily sigh, a cheesy smile coming across her pink lips. “He was like an angel.”
Sango shook her head, knowing where this was heading. “Every time someone saves you, you think they are an angel.”
“But with him, it’s completely different!” Kagome exclaimed, defending herself. “I can’t really explain why he’s different, he’s just special.”
“Or maybe it’s because he’s deliciously handsome.”
“No Sango! It’s not that.” She palmed her cheeks, a heated blush across them.
Sango crossed her arms, giving Kagome a blank look. “What else can it be, you don’t know him.”
“Unfortunately…” She pouted, collapsing heavily on her chair. But she perked up once more when an idea struck her. “I should get to know him! He did save me after all, maybe I should do a small token in return!”
“Do you think that will be a good idea?”
“Yes, it would be. It would seem rude that I didn’t appreciate his heroism.”
Prompt: Dream
Word Count: 250
Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge