Truly Complete by Dragon'sPassion

No longer the Same

A/N: This story has been sitting around in my broken laptop for a few years. I have been fortunate to retrieve and upload it for your reading pleasure. I hope that you enjoy it.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the original characters from the Inuyasha series. However, the many characters that pop up from time to time are indeed mine.

 “….” –Speaking

‘…’ –Thoughts

“…”– Spirits Talking

“…”– Beast Talking


No Longer the Same

The evening sun began to slowly give way to the moon and its darkness as it slowly settled beyond the horizon. The shadows gradually started to leak out of their hiding place, veiling the lands like a thick black blanket. The light of the moon and stars was the only thing keeping the hidden and terrible dangers of the dark at bay.

Lovers rested in each other’s arms, whispering their eternal vows of love into the silent night. Family and friends joked and played as they relaxed in the light atmosphere their loved ones offered. But not everyone found the peace that they so deserved on this beautiful night. There was one individual that had no family to come home to; no lover to kiss away their worries and sorrows; no friends to help ease the pain of loss.


            The silvery light of the crescent moon in the sky bathed the lonely figure of a woman resting heavily against the old wood of an ancient well. Sweat rolled down along the female’s ordinarily creamy caramel skin in small streams making her look pale and clammy. Blue irises, which at one point stood out like magnificent glittering sapphires, were dull and expressionless as they stared up at the moon. A thin layer of skin draped over the deep oceanic orbs as a light, cool breeze swept across the clearing causing goose bumps to ripple across her wet flesh; the traditional red and white miko garb she wore clung to her like a second skin.

            The woman let out a deep sigh, trying, with no avail, to find comfort in the silence and the peace around her. Letting out another sigh, she simply stayed where she was, no thought running through her mind. Minutes passed, soon becoming an hour, and yet there she sat. However, it was the sudden shout of “Kagome” that made her snap back to reality. She pulled her weary eyes away from the moon hanging above her, seemingly by magic, and to the sound of a young masculine voice.

            A flash of red, blue, and brown broke out of the forest and headed straight for her. The young woman made no move to defend herself from the flash; she simply sat there and waited as it closed the distance between them. As sudden as the flash appeared, it disappeared, leaving in its place a young man with long red hair, deep forest green eyes, a blue hakama and haori, and a brown fur vest. “Kagome?” the young boy spoke out as he stared down at said woman. 

            Kagome stared at the boy and allowed a smile to grace her pale face; pride swimming into the depths of her eyes as she realized that her son was growing up into a strong and handsome young man. “What’s wrong Shippo?” She asked, her melodic voice making itself known. Shippo smiled down at his mother, his emerald eyes glittering with joy at seeing her. “I came to see what you were doing.” He said, his smile soon disappearing as he took in her tired and worn out state.

            “Kagome what have you been doing? Why are your cloths and hair drenched in sweat? Why does your skin look so clammy and deathly white? What are you doing to yourself mother?” He demanded, worry and slight anger apparent in his voice. Kagome simply shrugged. “It’s of no consequence Shippo. I was just training.” She replied as she took the hand Shippo offered. Pulling her up, Shippo turned his back on her for a moment and walked over to where her bow and quiver of arrows lay. Once he grabbed hold of them, he walked over to his mother and began to walk by her side as they made their way back to the village.

            Shippo silently watched his mother. He watched as she slowly contorted her face into an empty expressionless mask with every step that they took. Once they entered the village, villagers waved and called out the young priestess’s name which she responded to with a wave or a slight nod, but never with a smile. Shippo had long since noticed that the only time his mother would show emotion was with him. At times he would see her smile when she talked to Miroku, Sango, or Kaede, but even those times were rare.

            Shippo stopped his musings as he noticed that they had made their way back to Kaede’s hut. He pulled the bamboo mat open for his mother and then stepped inside once she did. Upon entering, four heads out of the seven there, snapped up to look at him and his mother. “About time you decided to join us Kagome. What the heck have you been doing? You reek.” Inuyasha barked out as Kagome and Shippo took their places around the fire.

Kagome turned her icy blue eyes on Inuyasha and spoke out in a cold, emotionless voice. “What I do with my time, Inuyasha, is none of your concern. If I remember correctly, you were the one to make it so. Don’t assume that just because I agreed to come on speaking terms with you again, I’ll be answering to your every whim and call. Kikyo is here for that. So do me a favor and make her life as much as a living nightmare as you want, but keep your nose out of my business. As for how I smell, if you don’t like it, leave.”

            With that said she turned her attention back to the fire and took the bowl that the old priestess offered her. Inuyasha simply stared at the miko, surprise written on his face while Kikyo glared at her from Inuyasha’s side.  Shippo smirked at Inuyasha’s stupid look but then turned to take the bowl that Sango passed him. “Kagome, where have ye been?” Kaede asked as she looked at the woman before her. Kagome took a sip of the stew and shrugged. “I was by the well Kaede. That’s where I’m always at.” She said before she took a spoonful of venison into her mouth.

            “The well?”  Another female voice put in; this one belonging to her friend, Sango. Kagome nodded, chewing on her food slowly. “Lady Kagome have you been there all this time?” Kagome looked up, aqua irises clashing with violet, before answering. “Yes Miroku. I’ve been training there for the past three years.” She said in the calm, respectful voice that she used when talking to the monk. The monk simply stared at the young woman who had, since the very first day he had met her, become a sister.

            He took in the changes that the years had forced onto his friend. Once she would freely give everyone around her a smile, nowadays, she rarely smiled at all, even around them. Years ago there was a burning fire in her deep oceanic eyes and now all that remained of that fire were smoldering ashes. Throughout the years, her kind heart slowly broke to pieces until it began to resemble a cracked mirror; an iron wall guarding what was left of her fragile heart.

            Where once there was a young girl unable to control her power, was now a strong, beautiful woman that could master even the hardest and most difficult spells. She could purify demons with a single word, cast barriers that would stretch for miles, and he suspected that she could do much more than he had been allowed to witness. Where once there stood a cheerful, loud, and carefree girl; now stood a woman who could rival Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha’s half-brother, in his quiet, icy and emotionless ways.

            “Why?” The silence of the room was broken by Sango’s soft voice. Kagome looked up and patiently waited for Sango to explain further; her face clear of emotion. Sango glanced at her sister and wished more than anything that the old Kagome was back. “Why do you go to the well Kagome? Why do you torture yourself over something that can’t be changed?” She asked; her tone slightly above a whisper. Kagome closed her eyes and put down her empty bowl. She slowly stood up, walked over to the entrance and pulled the bamboo mat aside. As she exited the hut, she quietly replied. “I go there simply because I want to.” With nothing else to say, she disappeared into the night.


A/N: This was meant to be a one-shot, but like always my brain runs away from me and makes it far longer than I plan it to be. I am now going to break it apart into multiple chapters. Thankfully, it’s just about completed. One more chapter I believe. Also, this really doesn’t have much of a plot if you’re expecting one. I just thought that it would be sweet. Not to mention, I wanted to get it done.