Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Word Count: 250
Kagome held in her sigh as a silent youkai in a black suit guided her through the rain. She had tried to make conversation and had asked his name, but she had gotten no response except for a respectful, “Silence is required, Miss.”
She didn’t even understand why they needed to be silent! They were walking through the rain down a crowded sidewalk for goodness sake! Sure it was nighttime, but that didn’t mean they had to be quiet.
A hand on her shoulder brought her to a halt. She turned to the side and looked at the ostentatious black limousine that was picking her up. She gritted her teeth.
“Thank you,” she said to the man who had brought her to the car.
He gave a short nod and opened the car door.
Kagome huffed and slid in, waiting until the door shut to look at the male across from her.
“Was that necessary?” she asked sharply.
Golden eyes looked away from the screen of a smartphone. “Yes.”
“Really, Sesshomaru? I mean, he wouldn’t even let me hold the umbrella! And I asked!”
“It is for your safety.”
Kagome looked at him incredulously, before shaking her head. “Right,” she drawled out slowly. “You’ve been acting worse than usual, even for an overprotective, inu-youkai, boyfriend/yakuza boss.”
He shot her a dry look, but she continued unfazed.
“Would you care to explain this sudden tightening in security?”
Kagome huffed. “I’m holding the umbrella next time.”
“You are not.”
I like conspicuous yakuza boss Sesshomaru.
He’s… present.
If that makes sense.
I mean, it doesn’t, but it makes sense to me. Sort of.
Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge– Week 41: Umbrella