It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. It really wasn’t. She was supposed to be mine! Mine! But that bastard stole her from me. That entire life was supposed to be mine! The girl, the kid, and the company! It was rightfully mine! Damned birthright or what have you! I didn’t care about that, I knew I could do it better than the wise old bastard. Merciful, hah! You had to rule with an iron first. There was just something about him that made my blood curl. Everytime I saw him and that happy family that should have been mine it was like a war rose up within my blood. I felt that battles of Chaos , the Storms of rage, and I knew that there was a day coming that I wouldn’t be able to hold it back. That day came on an outing for the company when my brother and I were alone. I snapped, he was dead on the ground before I knew what happened. It was a cowards way how I killed him, jumped him from behind, he must have been terribly pissed at me. Not that it matters. The bastard had pulled a switch, put that wench in charge if he should perish. And I loathe to say that she was doing a damned fine job. But that didn’t matter, because it all was supposed to be mine!
So Inuyasha is of course Set. I think his came out really well. Read and Review and tell me what you think dears.