My darling, he’s always been there, beneathe me. He is my rock, he is the earth to my sky. My beloved Inutashio, he has climbed ladders and obstacles for me, more than any typical man would have. And with him we have beget two sons, wonderful boys. Really they truly were. It was a tragedy that her Sesshoumaru had been lost to her so early. The tragic story that played out between their children, their Set and Osiris as it were. It made her heart weep to know so, however, she knew her Sesshoumaru was in a better place now. She was happy at her place by Inutashio’s side, there she would remain eternally. It was her privilege, her honor. She would do her best to help her daughter-in-law to raise her grandchild. And as for Kagome, she couldn’t have been prouder to have a woman as her daughter and as the mother of her grandchild. The kindness that she radiated spread to her grandchild and molded him into a man, much like his father. She was sure that Sesshoumaru was smiling down from paradise at them now.
So this is what I came up with for Inumama, as Nut. I think it works. She evaluates her place at Inupapa’s side and her children and love she shares for Kagome and looking after her after Sesshoumaru is gone. Let me know what you think loves! Read and Review. :D