Egypt's Where our Souls's Reside by *~*Missy*~*


They tried to keep her from me, those fools, the poor fools.  There was no way that my darling would be kept from me.  I was hell-bent on making it so.   She was my darling and although our love was forbidden there was no possible way that she would be kept from me.  Her father was quite strong, yet not strong enough.  I laughed at his downfall, that momentous, trembling  laughter that could have made the very bowels of the earth quake in fear of itself.  She was mine for the taking.  Our coupling would be eternal.  She was mine forever and I, Inutashio, could not have been happier.


Lol this made me laugh to write, I picture this as a rant in Inupapa’s head.  Writing this I can see the resemblance between Sessho and him now.  It is only fitting the he is Geb afterall.