Sultry Pic
It isn’t raining, but she feels like it should be. The sting on the bottom of her chin left a metallic taste in her mouth. Her tongue worked its cavern rounding the thick fluid together. Swishing it into a glob, she spat the rosy liquid out.
Exhaustion was catching up to her. The adrenaline in her veins wore thin. It had been a while since she last fought a crowd. And though their fighting was pure garbage, the mild exercise left her muscles aching. She made a mental note to resume her work out sessions or the next fight she found herself in could really prove messy. Grunts were always small play; it was their leaders that held her concern. They always ranged from bitch asses to fucking monsters, so she had to stay ready to be able to deal with whatever type came next turn. The Tonkryps seemed to fall near the lower end of the spectrum. They were just a bunch of loud unorganized muscle heads with no real structure whatsoever. When time permits it, she’d pay their boss a personal visit. After all it was common courtesy. Plus she needed new clothes...their treat.
Her body was being escorted towards the parked vehicles down the pebbled road.
Her captor walked slightly behind to her side. His dark shades made him hard to read. She vaguely wondered what he thought of their little snuggle session, but more importantly how long he’d been watching her before their scrabble. Was it before or after the fight broke out? And why sneak up on her from behind? It was creepy and unorthodox. He was a cop, why hide? Unless…he wasn’t a cop at all. Gangs were starting to incorporate random themes as of late. For all she knew, he was part of one that impersonated officers. Her eyes slightly widened. All she saw was a badge, plus he didn’t really confirm or deny who he was. Also, as pretty as it was, his white hair was something completely new. And the guy she met earlier had the same color hair as well. So, maybe it was some weird part of their gang’s code. The other guy did call himself a ‘Leo.’ He was kind of cute and could put up a good fight, too. But then he got too caught up fanboying her, and that’s when one of the Tonkryps got him from behind. But before that he radioed for help. She could easily assume it came in the form of the male beside her now. But who sends only one person as backup? Law enforcement her ass. Those two must be from some higher arch mob. And they were there to either recruit or destroy the competition.
She didn’t have time for this and needed to escape, but her current state left few options. So for now she’d have to play it cool. The man from earlier was nowhere to be seen and the one beside her was strong.
Rarely has anyone ever been able to actually sneak up on her and land a hit. The many years of her harsh training enforced it. She was a mixed martial arts prodigy; one of the best the district had to offer. Her defense was nearly impenetrable. Her 360 degree guard a legend. But this guy was something else. He managed to not only breach her space, but graze her chin in the process. Her mind screamed it was inconceivable, but in a cruel twist of irony refreshing. Intentional or not he gave her the worst kind injury; light enough to draw blood and strong enough to scratch her pride. Part of her teased the thought of locking lips with him while the other ninety-nine percent demanded she kick his ass. But first…step one: break free. Step two: exact revenge.
Kagome nudged her chin against her shoulder uncaring of the stain it left.
Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in disgust. “You’re unhygienic.”
“And you’re a dick.” Her mouth opened to say more, but a series of several animal yips sounded down the road. Noise she readily recognized and he just happened to ignore. Instead, she redirected her attention to the heavy metal that kept her bound.
“You’re wasting your time,” he advised. “No one’s ever broken free of this metal. And I never allow anyone to escape.”
“Nothing’s impervious,” she dismissed his warning. “Everything has a weakness, yourself and these cuffs included.”
She could almost feel his glare hitting the back of her head. And winced when rough hand shoved her forward.
The twenty foot walk to his car seemed like an eternity. Even though she matched his pace, time still seemed to drag on. He watched her hands momentarily as they tediously played with the chains. Her futile attempt to break free, though annoying, was not his primary concern. Only the impeding displeasure of having to work with her plagued his mind.
He could vaguely still feel her touch where she pressed against him earlier. With it brought an bothersome feeling that refused to leave him be. Animosity that she had the nerve to lean into him? Or charmed that she off-handily complimented him? The way she handled that thug with the bat was mesmerizing. And her dominance over the men was a work of art. He had to admit, that he did admire her performance. But, then again…she was also unpredictably prompt.
His hand lightly graved over where her boot had marred his skin. The petite woman beside him continued fiddling with her hands.
He concluded that the feeling was foreboding. He had read the reports of her past and got to witness her in action first hand. Her wild nature could prove to be a liability. So now other than Inuyasha he had to keep a close watch on her, as well. His responsibilities were steadily piling up, and he began to wonder if the payout would be worth it…whatever that may be. Kagura refused to relinquish any more information until the three of them were back in her office. For now he just had to focus on getting there. Inuyasha was already at the car. All that was left was her.
He noticed she was being somewhat compliant compared to her earlier show. He never thought that such an uncouth brawling woman could then minutes later allude towards a dignified maiden. Her head was held high, back straight, and shoulders apart. She moved with a purpose in graceful strides. She even stayed true to the path he set forth with absolutely no fuss. It was rather peculiar. He remained within an elbow’s length herding her towards his car. This was the time when his captives usually made a break for it, and he half expected her to do the same. But she didn’t. There were no deviations, no feints. Just a straight forward walk. And now that he thought about, it was like she was the one leading them there. Her continued silence now seemed somewhat unnatural. And the slight glance she threw him sent him on edge.
“Whatever you’re planning will ultimately fail.”
“Big talk coming from someone who likes to hit women. Are you gonna strike me again with you fist or do you have something else in mind?” She slyly glanced towards his pants.
One of his eyes twitched. He had apologized to her earlier and didn’t really peg her to be petty. But her tasteless innuendos were really starting to grate his nerves.
She raised a brow at him expectantly. His lack of reaction made her pout.
The car was now within a few steps in front of them. All he had to do now was get her inside. “Enough with the shenanigans. I know your game and refuse to play.”
“Do you now?” She hopped to the front of the Camaro’s hood, did an about-face, and leaned against it. Defiant umber spheres fixated on the coalshades that hid his eyes. Pink coral lips rose in a descending arch. “Sorry to break it to yah, but…this game had already begun.”
He waited for her to move. And after a moment she did. A free hand teasingly waved. And then everything tilted up in a diagonal motion. Her relaxed figure against his car was suddenly replaced by tires and rocky earth. The fast impact with the hard terrain was enough to make him grunt.
The last thing he saw was her black boots as they approached him and the sound of a child’s voice rung before he completely blanked out.
“Take that you bastard! Kagome, you ok?” A small boy between the ages of eight and ten stood staring at her with beryl eyes. He had wild auburn hair and wore a black tee over cargo pants.
She smirked and gave him a thumbs up. “Perfect timing, kid.” The object in his hand caught her attention. It was small and grey with pointed glowing prongs facing outward “What’s with the new toy?”
A light rosy hue coated his cheeks. “Oh this? It’s some type of stun gun that I borrowed from someone.”
“Don’t you mean stole?”
“Technicalities,” he waved her off. “Anyway, remember when you had me waiting for you in thetree?” he pointed towards the large maple. “Well some guy with white hair came and left the door to his Inceptor Utility open. And I was bored…so um, I took a quick peek inside.”
“Uh-huh,” she crossed her arms. “And then what?”
He pondered for a moment. “Right! That truck was tight! I mean it was fully loaded with some of the most amazing tech I’ve ever seen. It was equipped with the latest Goldtooth mind-activation GPS system. Highway cruise control. Infrared AND ultraviolet screening. 600 powered horse engine. And it had Siri 10.0! Siri, Kagome! I asked her who’s her daddy and she told me to go fuck myself! It was awesome!”
“Settle down, nerd. And language,” she chastised. “Now about that gun…”
“I’m getting there! Anywho, I was really careful not to touch anything else, but then I heard some someone else coming and ended up closing myself inside. That was when he came,” he motioned to the unconscious male. “I thought he would come check the truck cause some papers had spilled and got caught in the door. But he didn’t and left for the warehouse. When I got out the Inceptor I picked up the papers to put em back but then I saw this...” He pulled out the stack of sheets showing her face on the front page.
Her eyebrow arched. “Let me see.” He handed them over. She skimmed through the sheets. “What the hell is this bullshit?” Her eyes madly went through the pages one-by-one. They were recruiters after all! “Unfucking believable!” She spotted a governmental seal centered on top of one of the sheets. “How in the almighty fuck did they get a hold of this?”
“Secret Service…gangsters with deep pockets. Who knows? But anyway, after that I had to hide again when I saw the second guy coming back with the first one. I thought they were gonna leave, but then guy number two took off back towards the warehouse.”
“I see.” She rolled the sheets in her hand. “…erm where is guy number one?”
“On the ground outside the Inceptor. He woke up after a while and went to it. I watched him play with some touch screen padlock on the window. I think he got whatever the password was wrong cause next thing I know Seri was like ‘b-mmother dog, please’ and then he was out again like a light. I went over to see if he was dead, but he was still breathing. And that’s when I found this,” he flashed her the piece.
A frown stained her face. “I thought I told you that guns were dangerous?” She snatched it from him.
“The label on the bottom of the barrel said it was nonlethal and for knockouts only, so I figured no harm no foul. It’s actually pretty cool. You just point and shoot and the target feels nothing. Whatever comes off the prongs simply knocks em right on out. It's kinda like the ultimate tranquilizer. It could fetch a pretty coin at any UG market.”
“And you know all this how?”
He laughed nervously. “By testing it out on guy two. But still, I know you always tell to stay put no matter what, so I gave the call and waited. That's when you guys showed up. And when I thought he didn’t see me I got behind and pulled the trigger.”
She crept around Sesshomaru’s still form and tapped his hard flesh with the tip of her boot. “Serves em right,” she mumbled. She squatted down beside him, ran a hand through his silver hair, and pulled out a strand. “Kagome: one, Snowy: zero.”
A muffled cough echoed. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was a team effort.”
Kagome stood up rolling her eyes. “Fine. Kagome and the kid: one, Snowy: zero. Better?”
“Why am I always just the kid?” he protested.
“I called you a nerd earlier,” she tapped her cheek. He growled. “Fine. Kagome and the brat: one…”
The boy huffed in frustration. “No! I mean, how come you never call me by my real name?”
“What? Brat is a real name,” she tilted her head. “It’s not like it’s imaginary.” A wild smile coated her face.
His big eyes narrowed. “You do realize that if it weren’t for me you’d have been taken away, right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She ruffled his head. “Thank God for my little knight in shining armor.”
“And his name is…?”
He sighed and smacked his forehead. “Ugh...close enough.”
The sky was getting dark, and they were already running late. “Alright kid, time for us to roll out.”
He forced himself away from the cold ‘officer’ after pickpocketing him for more candy. The gadgets he found would surely hold his curious mind for weeks.
They were just getting ready to leave when a loud melody came from the car. It sounded like a phone going off. Kagome shrugged, the boy went to peer inside. “Be careful,” she warned.
He gently pried the handle and found that the car was unlocked. Opening the door carefully he peered inside. The Camaro was as amazingly decked out as the Inceptor and it made his little heart pound. But he wouldn’t be able to go through it, so he tuned out the shiny devices as best as he could. He found the vibrating box sitting in the passenger’s seat, grabbed it, and quickly got out the car. The phone stopped ringing and a message popped up.
“Dunno. It just shows a number under missed call.” He handed the phone over.
Kagome pondered the device and then a text message came up. ‘Call Me. ~Feather’. An evil grin formed, the wheels in her mind were already churning. Without hesitating she typed back ‘No’ and waited.
“Um, what are you doing?”
“Just having a little fun,” she explained.
No sooner another message buzzed. ‘Why the hell not?’ Her fingers went to work. ‘I’m a little busy at the moment.’ Almost instantly another text appeared demanding ‘Doing what!? You fucking call me now! I haven’t heard from ur ass all day.’
Kagome put the phone down. She could barely control her excitement. This was just what she needed to pay a certain someone back. She glanced down at the still slumbering male feeling the cut on her chin tingle. “Oh, Tail-see!” she sung. “Kagome wants you to help her out with something, kay?”
The boy trembled under her villainous gaze. She scared him more than any cacodemon ever would.
She slipped her index finger down the middle of her shirt causing a rip that almost fully revealed her breast and a nipple.
A low whistle blew.
Her face immediately scrunched up. “Hey! I’m old enough to be your mother!”
The boy tsk’d. “I wish you were.”
His innocent looking smile left her at lost for words. Just take the damn compliment. She muttered in her mind.
It took roughly ten minutes before the stage was finally set. Both males were in position. All that was left to do was for her to go take her place. She adjusted their bodies this way and that. By the time she was satisfied she commanded through her teeth. “Alright, nerd, take the shot!”
Blushing, he shakily held the phone up and then the process began: point it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, view it, quick - erase it. He repeated the steps until he got the desired results. And when he was finally done Kagome got up to give her approval. A wicked smirk crossed her face as she slowly pressed down on ‘send.’
One of the males began to stir. She gently set the phone down in his lap and backed away. “Alright, kid. I think it’s time we take our leave.” She grabbed him to go but he didn’t move. “What?”
A key ring twirled around his finger. “I...ah…figured why walk when we could drive.”
She smirked at his antics and took the keys. After blowing the two unconscious men a kiss, the Camaro roared to life and took off.
Tawny eyes opened slowly. It was darker than usual. Removing his shades revealed tiny stars, and somewhere to the left sat a white crescent moon. Vaguely he wondered what he was doing sitting outside when all at once the day’s events suddenly hit him. The precinct. The warehouse. Inuyasha. Kagome…
Sesshomaru tried rushing to his feet but something on his left wrist brought him back down. Glaring at his arm he found a familiar metal band that he had used earlier that day. His eyes traveled the links until they led to Inuyasha’s right hand. He was getting ready to explode when he found his half-brother staring dumbly at a screen. The male appeared completely oblivious to the fact that they were together chained. He didn’t budge an inch, nor did it look like he breathed. His face was crimson red and his mouth hung open. And then Sesshomaru recognized that the phone in the male’s hand was his. His first thought was to snatch it from him, but to do so he had to scoot closer. And then, just as he was about to reach over he saw it. Something cold coursed his vein and he felt his heart drop.
There she was snuggled right in between them. Her face flushed innocence, but her eyes glowed with practiced passion. Long raven tresses tussled over a portion of exposed breast. Along with it a mass of white hair rested against the peach’s great divide. Tiny fair fingers entangled short silver locks. A larger hand rested high on her well-toned thigh. It was attached to a body where another white head was being held firmly in place. The tip of his tongue was caught between her teeth while her fingers were curled under his chin.
The text at the bottom was a winky face and message was sent to Kagura.
A/N: I must have changed the summary like a thousand times But I digress. That's two for two. I'm on a roll! Hopefully I can fit the next challenge banner in with the story. (I'm pretty confident.) :3 R&R
Theme: Technology
Prompts: Zestfulness, Cacodemon
Words: 3200