A Lamb in a Pack of Wolves? by tierraangelica

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

*I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters. Just the plot.*

The teacher's words were like a background noise as Kagome put all her attention on the clock on the wall. Only two more minutes. Her hands itched to get a hold of some tools and check out the new engine the guys had gotten from the junk yard. The echo of the bell sounded and Kagome grabbed her army camouflage bag to head towardthe school's car garage—her favorite place to be.

The smell of motor oil and gas. The sound of tools going to work and parts being assembled and taken apart. It was like a second home to her.

Twelve pairs of sharp, dangerous eyes came her way as she opened the door.

Harajunku High School was a school for outcasts; trouble maker's, delinquents, and people with criminal records. Fights broke out everyday, constant graffiti was always being washed off the walls, and most of the faculty were scared of the student population. Needless to say, the school had a bad reputation.

Kagome smiled at the boys kindly. "Hey guys!"

Some pairs of eyes became softer as they saw Kagome. Other's stayed the same but their mouths grinned or they nodded at her.

"Yo," welcomed J.J. He tossed his head to the side so his orange hair was out of his brown eyes.

"Hey little sis is here!" Yuta exclaimed and enveloped Kagome in a bear hug. Yuta was twice the size of Kagome in height and weight and one of the strongest guys in the school. He put Kagome back on the ground and smiled.

"You ready to see the motor Hachiro and Kurou found?" Yuta asked.

"Of course!" Kagome yelled excitedly and followed Yuta to the metal table were a large object was hidden under a cloth.

Hachiro and Kurou stood by it smirking in confidence. The twins were identical, both skinny with green eyes, and black gel spiked hair with white streaks. The only small difference was one small mole. It could be located below Hachiro's right eye while Kurou had one under his left.

"Prepare to be amazed!" The twins said in union as they lifted the dirty white cloth.

Kagome studied the engine quietly. Some parts seemed to be tinged with rust while everything else looked fine. She started poking around with her fingers and inspecting closely.

"Well?" Yuta inquired while scratching his shaved head.

Kagome turned and smiled at the boys. "It's perfect! Luck must be on her side if you guys were able to find such a gem in that junk yard."

The twins smiled. "Lucky is our middle name," Hachiro commented.

"Although we could have had a motor sooner if you had just let J.J. go steal one." Kurou smirked.

Kagome giggled. "You guys did awesome but you know the rules. No stealing. With this we'll be ready for the race this weekend. Right Rocket?" She turned her head to the white truck Rocket was working under.

He slid out from under the car dirtied with oil with his goggles still attached and his dreads in a pony tail. "Yeah mun. We should be good ta go." He gave a thumbs up and winked. Rocket was from Jamaica but had learned Japanese pretty fast. His accent and slang came out a lot of the time though.

"Sweet!" Kagome had no doubt they were going to win. "Then let's get this motor working!"


"Late as always," Sango commented. "And dirty too."

Kagome instantly inspected her clothes for smudges. She always tried not to get them stained by wearing a mechanics suit.

Sango dug in her purse and pulled out a small compact mirror. "Your face."

"Oh..." There were smudges of grease all over her skin. She giggled at how silly she looked. "Whoops."

Sango chuckled at her friend and held a napkin out towards her. "Here, clean up so we can go eat."

Kagome smiled. "Thanks Sango. You're the best."

"Hey Sango! Looking good!" A guy across the hall cat called.

Sango rolled her eyes.

"Hey Sango!" His friend called out.

"What?" she sneered.

"You know there should be a warning sign on my dick."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, it should say choking hazard!" The two boys laughed and high fived each other.

Sango raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a label they put on small objects?"

People that had tuned in started to snicker and oooohhhh at her comeback.

"You might want to go see the nurse about that burn," Sango smirked.

"Sango the Queen of Bitch Town strikes again," the cat caller replied.

"Gentleman please," someone interrupted putting an arm around Sango's shoulders. "You shouldn't cat call and curse at a lady of such beauty. She needs to be treated with respect and—" the boy's hand fell from Sango's shoulders and slinked down to land on her butt.

Sango pulled back her fist and hit the guy straight in the jaw. "You're the worst of them Miroku!" she yelled and grabbed Kagome's hand. "Let's go Kagome!"

Kagome dropped the napkin from the force of Sango tugging her forward and looked at the scene behind them confused. "Hey Sango what happened? Did those guys say something rude to you again?"

Sango sighed and slowed down. Kagome's as oblivious as always.

"Just Miroku being his perverted self."

"Oh. Well if anyone's giving you any trouble just tell me ok?" Kagome flashed another smile.

Sango hugged her friend. "Your so adorable!"

"S-Sango...your hugging me really tight!" Kagome gasped out.

She released Kagome. "My bad. Now to the cafeteria for lunch!"

"Yay! Food!" Kagome cheered.

A loud cry interrupted her cheeriness. She turned in its direction to see people crowded around the windows. Kagome took a an empty spot among other students to see what was going on. Looking down from the second story building she could see a fight going on in the courtyard.

"Geez another fight. Like we haven't seen a million of 'em," Sango commented as she observed where the noise had come from as well. "Come one Kagome."

"He's not from here is he Sango?" Kagome said instead of moving.

Sango raised an eyebrow and turned back to the fight and caught sight of the guy Kagome pointed too. He had his back towards them but Sango could see he was tall, with long white hair, and some odd tattoos peaking out from his clothing. "Hmm, probably someone from a rival gang here to challenge some other gang."

The mysterious guy was standing in the middle of the courtyard with four students from the school surrounding him and a boy at his feet clutching his stomach. All at once they attacked him and with swift moves they all fell to the ground in defeat. Whispers and comments rang from all the spectators.

Whoa. What power, Kagome thought.

Slowly the guy turned his head towards the windows and made eye contact with Kagome's gaze. She was taken back not by the cold glare and how much danger his eyes seemed to hold but the stunning gold of color they held that made her want to stare at him forever. He turned away and walked into the school's front doors.

"That's Sesshoumaru Taisho," someone said. "Also known as the White Demon."

"I heard he's killed more than fifty people and never once went to jail."

"I head he's a notorious gang leader from up North who came down to get more territory."

The rumors accumulated more but Kagome just thought of his golden eyes.

"Ka-go-me. Let's go already!"

"Yeah," she nodded and started walking with Sango.

The White Demon Sesshoumaru Taisho...


AN: Soooo whatcha think? Chapter 1! R&R! It's been forever since I last wrote a fanfiction :))