The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

The Run

Chapter 17 - The Run *Inconvenient* (Skye's Weekly Challenges)

After a night spent in a dilapidated old hut with only half a roof, everyone was eager to get moving again in hopes of making it to Edo by nightfall. Inuyasha doubted it. They were moving far more slowly than usual and needed more frequent breaks, the cold air making normal breathing more difficult for his companions while the snow made walking harder as well. After hearing Kagome complain about how cold her toes were and Sango mention how difficult it would be to wield her weapon with the gloves the miko had provided for her, he had enough and decided it was time to say what he had been holding back since they left the warmth and shelter of the cave.

He was on edge anyway, having stayed up half the night watching over the fire and glaring at the mutt that was keeping Kagome warm. Usually on a night like that one, Sango and Miroku would lay near a battle-sized Kirara, Shippo would either join them or be held by Kagome, and the miko would sleep against him, his arm wrapped around her for warmth. When they were ready to bed down, however, Kagome hadn't even glanced at him. Instead, she snuggled down with that stupid dog. There was no way Prince could possibly keep her as warm as he could, but the miko hadn't seemed to care.

Inuyasha didn't get a lot of physical contact, being a half-breed, hated by most everyone, demon or human. Kagome was the only one who ever really touched him. She would hug him from time to time and let him to carry her so they could travel faster. She liked to rub his ears, even if he very rarely allowed it. Keeping her warm at night was something he cherished, just like he took pride in providing food for their pack and protecting them all. He didn't like the idea that he was losing one of his main jobs to a stray dog. He knew it was jealousy that was making him so irritated, and realized that it was stupid to be jealous of what was basically a pet, but he couldn't help it. Kagome meant everything to him, and anything that took her attention away or that lessened her dependence on him was considered a threat to their friendship.

"You know," he said while purposely looking anywhere but at the miko. "If you guys hopped on Kirara and I carried Kagome, we'd make it back to Kaede's a hell of a lot faster."

The miko looked around at her friends before focusing on her new companion. "But what about Prince? He can't ride Kirara, and you can't carry both of us. I can't just leave him." Guilt washed over her as she saw the rosy red cheeks and tired expressions around her. "You... you guys can go on ahead, and I can walk back with him myself. I don't want to hold you back and force you to stay out in this weather."

Sango shook her head. "No, Kagome, we could never leave you behind, and we wouldn't ask you to leave him behind either. We'll be fine walking."

Inuyasha growled and kicked at a clump of ice in frustration. It was ridiculous for everyone to be freezing their asses off when they didn't have to. It was just a dog! A dog she had found half-dead, that had obviously pissed someone off to have been left in that condition with a rope around his neck. Why in the world were they sacrificing their own comfort for the sake of a stray? It just didn't make any sense to him at all.

Sesshoumaru looked back and forth between Kagome and her friends before barking loudly. The miko turned and tilted her head at him in a distinctly canine way, wondering what was wrong.


He looked into her eyes before jerking his head towards Inuyasha and barking again.

"What? You want me to ride on Inuyasha's back? You couldn't possibly keep up if he's running and they're flying."

Sesshoumaru barked and jerked his head again, hoping she would understand.

"You want to try? But, you're not even completely healed and recovered yet." Another bark sounded and Kagome sighed. "Fine, we can try it and see how it goes, but if you start getting tired, or if you don't feel well, you have to let me know so we can stop and you can rest. I don't want you overexerting yourself."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "If the dog wants to run, let him fucking run already."

"Oh, so now you think he's smart enough to understand me and communicate?"

"Keh," the hanyou muttered, turning his back on the miko in an attempt to avoid answering the question.

Kagome knelt down in front of the dog, placing her hands on either side of his muzzle and staring into his eyes. "Promise me you won't push yourself too hard." He woofed softly and licked her face, making the miko laugh. "Alright then. You'll bark if there's a problem."

Sango patted Kagome on the shoulder. "I'm sure he will. He wouldn't want to worry you further by injuring himself."

Kagome rose to her feet and smiled. "Yeah, I know. Alright, Inuyasha. But don't run full speed." She scrambled onto the hanyou's back when he crouched down, and the others climbed aboard Kirara. The fire cat took flight and Inuyasha began running, making sure not to run as fast as he usually would. He was surprised to find that the dog managed to keep up fairly well. He could only hope the mutt could keep up that speed. He wanted to get Kagome into a warm hut.