Adventure of Little Raven by Sy Sheer

Curiosity kidnapped who?

Each drabble will be 250 words.  Some of my prompts will be a line from a song, movie, book, or other promps.  I'll list what each one is at the end of the chapter.  I hope you enjoy!

Curiosity kidnapped who?

    "Dear, I really think we should send her off to help with the hunt."  The female Inu smiled at her mate, unashamed to use her charm to get what she wanted.  Gold eyes fought a serene silver as he silently argued with his mate.  He didn't want her to go hunting because that meant he'd have to go play babysitter.

    "She's too young."  His timbre was steady, but it was uncertain.  Why?  Because it wasn't true, he was trying to make an excuse.

    "Either you take her off to help with the hunt, or she's going to be taking Court lessons from her grandmother, your choice."  Her words rang true as another female Inu entered the chambers, looking for all the world like a cat who caught the mouse.

    "Fine, I’ll take her on the hunt."  He conceded and dodged a glare from his own mother.  With a grimace he left to find their pup to take with him.  Now the hunt was an excuse not to deal with his mother.


    "Papa, what's that glowing thing?"  A small hand pointed towards a portion of the forest that was lit up like a festival night.  The center of the light was a run down well.  Before he could stop her she rushed forward to inspect the oddity.

    As she pressed against the side of the well to look down, cracking wood was heard before she fell in and vanished.

    "I’m too old to get mixed up in this stuff again."


~*~ Chapter 1 Song: One Last Hope – Hercules ~*~