The Romance of Sesshomaru and Kagome by Winged Wolf

Kagome Was Here

Sesshomaru’s head pounded. All he remembered was Kagome coming up to him, smelling strongly of alcohol. Somewhere along the way, he himself must’ve joined in and had numerous drinks, if his hangover was anything to go off of. Looking around, the bed was cooling and the shower was on.

Stretching, he noticed dark marks on his waist. It was writing, in permanent marker. His head fell back against his pillow in both amusement and exasperation. In the future, he wouldn’t let Kagome get drunk. Not that many others would see it, but Sesshomaru really didn’t want to have the words “Kagome was here” with an arrow pointing to his manhood.

He threw the covers off of himself and made his way to the bathroom where he sneaked in behind Kagome and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. “Mate, you do not need to further claim your territory. No one else will see your mark anyway,” he rasped in her ear.

AN: I get my prompts from imagineyourotp on tumblr in case anyone wants to know