Wait...The hell just happened? by *~*Missy*~*

Oh what a beautiful Morning!

Wait…The hell just happened?


Okay so by demand, and by demand I mean gentle prodding I’m delivering you the guys reacts to Kagome just up and dipping.  Hope you enjoy!



Everyone just stood there for a moment and looked at each other.  They really didn’t know what to expect.  Kagome had just…left.

“That bitch…”  Inuyasha said but it seemed other than that, that for once in his life he was at a loss for words.

“WHERE’S MOMMA!”  Shippo yelled as he cried, he had been away gathering water and all of the sudden she was gone.

“She’s gone Shippo, she’s left.”  Sango said as she walked over to the kit and threw her arms around her, hugging him tightly. 

“Hmm…so it’s as easy at that then.  I win?  Excellent I shall become the most powerful demon ever and I shall rule over this era.”  Naraku said and started laughing maniacally.

“Oh and by the way…”  Kagome said as she popped back into view of the group.  “…"Oh gods, I missed you so much Naraku! How come your not around more often?!"

“…You just gave up everything and he is going to rule the earth…”  Miroku just looked at her shell shocked.

“Oh…well…ta!”  And she ran off again.