Pretend Love by Maria-Salvatore29


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


The awkwardness in the atmosphere made Sesshomaru shift gears. “How was your lessons?”

She withdrew her hand, covering up her discomfort by playing cool. “Psh. Easy as peanuts. I even solved an arithmetic problem for Kimiko when she dropped by in the library.”

He smirked at her, totally at ease. “Good. However, she would certainly get revenge for that.”

“She made fun of my clothing,” she said, unconsciously smoothing her kimono.

He raised his brow at that, watching her face quite intently, which made her blush all over again. “Hnn. Come, then.” He stood up, his hand wrapping around hers, again.

She allowed him the hand-holding, since she was still “playing it cool”. “What do you have in mind?”

“The inevitable,” he replied cryptically.

“Well, that doesn’t sound comforting. Do I end up being the laughing stock again?” She sagged her shoulders dramatically.

“If they laugh at you, they laugh at me,” he said, still pulling her to who-knows-where. “No one is allowed to insult this Sesshomaru.”

“Or me. I’m important here, too, right?”

Sesshomaru halted, turning to face her. “You are.”

She swallowed loudly, cursing the blush on her cheeks. Well, I’m supposed to be in love with him because of the love potion. The blush makes it even more believable to everyone, including Sesshomaru. “So…the inevitable thingy?”

He shrugged at her and it made him look younger, shockingly boyish like a high school boy. “We would wear the same clothing tonight.”

“They would respect me more if we wear matching clothes?” She asked incredulously.

He blinked at her as if she was stupid, but instead of explaining, he asked, “What color do you prefer?”

 Kagome gapped at him, answering robotically, “Green?”

Frowning, he pulled her to a walk again. “Fine. But I’m not wearing green like the grasses.”


Prompt: The Soundtrack Challenge – The Inevitable (first soundtrack)

Word Count: 300

Date Posted: 01/18/16