A/N: I meant to post this yesterday, but I didn't. Sorry... and it's not very long either. :/ I hope you enjoy this chapter and please review (if you feel so inclined- no pressure!)
Prompt: Archery (Week 36)
Word Count: 265
The heavy thud of metal hitting wood met Sesshoumaru's sensitive ears. The daiyoukai watched as the archer retrieved his arrow from the center of the target, muscles flexing as he finally managed to dislodge the sharp head that had embedded itself deep within the rigid bark. The young demon returned to his mark and drew the bowstring taught, his face a mask of concentration, eyes narrowed against the fringe of his dark hair that brushed over cloudy grey eyes. Unbidden, Sesshoumaru imagined another face under those bangs, a female one with irises of a vibrant blue...
He smashed his fist into the stone wall; the unexpected noise startled the practising youth, and the arrow flew awry, glancing off the target and into a small patch of flowers.
The Western Lord hurried outside, irritated with his treasonous thoughts, which- inexplicably- kept travelling to the fiery miko. He had not seen her for seven days, knew nothing of her current condition, and yet, couldn't erase her presence from his mind. It was most troublesome.
A small voice drifted towards the youkai and he followed it into a lush copse thick with colourful blossoms. There, his ward whispered to the flowers, their heads nodding as if in agreement.
"Rin really misses Kagome-sama... she's so very kind and pretty. And she's strong- she even impressed Sesshoumaru-sama!" The little girl's voice grew even quieter, tinged with sadness. "Why did they not get along, Flower-san? ...I hope she returns soon."
Sesshoumaru silently agreed with her, before returning to his quarters, thus missing Rin's heartfelt statement; "They are good for one another."