The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness

An Awkward Situation

A/N: All your lovely reviews made me feel loved, so I wrote another chapter for you guys! I struggled over this prompt for ages because I had two ideas- a more dramatic plot where Kags is injured and then is insulted for her stupidity by Sessh, or this. Obviously I gave up on the drama XD

Prompt: Bleed (Week 13)

Word Count: 444

'Shit, this hurts so much! Why did I have to use all of my painkillers so fast?!' It was that time of the month again, and Kagome was freaking out. Problem number one: she had no painkillers or herbal substitutes. Problem number two: she was in a palace full of sharp-nosed youkai who wouldn't appreciate her stinking up the place. Inuyasha had said it smelt awful; she didn't want to think about how horrific it would be for Sesshoumaru...

The young woman stopped rummaging around in her bag and gasped. Did Sesshoumaru even know about periods? Cringing at the thought of explaining the menstrual cycle to the daiyoukai, Kagome grinned in triumph when her hands closed around her box of tampons, only to frown when she saw that there were only two left.

'That is just plain annoying- what am I going to do?'

Pondering her predicament, the miko stared at her futon, eyes unfocused. Going back home wasn't an option because she didn't want Sesshoumaru to find out that she was from the future. Kaede always just gave her some fabric...

Crossing the room and opening the door, Kagome looked around for a servant. Thankfully, there was a young neko-youkai nearby. "Excuse me! Would you be able to get me some spare sanitary cloths please?" The servant nodded, bowing, before disappearing. The young woman waited patiently, discomfort painted on her face.

The youkai returned with the cloths and Sesshoumaru in tow. Kagome inwardly grimaced; now she would find out what he knew. He dismissed the servant and followed the miko in to her room, quickly shutting the door. He faced her, his eyes firm.

"Where are you injured, miko?"

Kagome squirmed. "I'm not injured- everything is fine."

His eyes narrowed. "Do not lie to me- you are bleeding!"

"I'm not lying!" She didn't mean to shout; but she hated it when people accused her of lying.

"Tell me where you are bleeding, you stubborn fo-"

"From my vagina!"

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened in alarm- really it would've been comical had she not been so embarrassed that she could die. The inuyoukai quickly regained his usual stoic expression and spoke.

"This occurence is part of the human female fertility cycle? Rin will experience this in a few years?"

Kagome's gaze snapped up from its point on the floor. "You... know about the cycle?" Her incredulity was almost tangible.

He raised an eyebrow. "This Sesshoumaru knows a great many things. Your species is not alien to me miko, regardless of their inferiority."

As he swept out of her room, Kagome could feel her cheeks turning even redder- from anger.

He was such a jerk!