The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness


A/N: Sorry for being such a slow up-dater! However, soon I'll have finished the backlog of prompts so there will only be one chapter a week. Oh, and sorry for all the typos in previous chapters! I haven't got a beta and I am terrible at spotting mistakes before I post.

Prompt: Gaudy (Week 11)

Word Count: 314

Light flickered in the corner of her shut eyes as she burrowed her face deeper into the pillow. Her head throbbed- maybe someone had tried to lobotomize her? Her mouth was unbearably dry and her limbs felt unbelievably heavy. Perhaps she was cursed! 

Prompting her aching brain to work, the young miko tried to remember the situation which had led to her horrific state. Something... it had something to do with Sesshoumaru and his mother. There had been silence, awkward tension and... alcohol. 

Ah, so this was what a hangover felt like. Kagome made a silent promise to herself to never be drunk again.

The door to her room slid open, and she groaned at the grating sound of wood on wood. Reluctantly cracking an eye open, the woman instantly regretted it as bright light met her gaze and caused her headache to worsen.


Kagome's eyes shot open at the sound of Sesshoumaru's voice, and quickly closed again after seeing his clothes. They weren't usually that gaudy, were they?

"How are you feeling?"

"Awful." Her voice sounded awful too!

"It will pass."

"Kami, I hope so. Hey, did I do anything... improper?"

His lack of response made her very nervous. 'What if I did do something bad? I bet I called him an arrogant arse or something like that. But if I had, he'd have probably killed me for insulting him, so that can't be it."

Finally, the daiyoukai answered. "No."

Kagome relaxed, feeling much better now that she knew she hadn't embarrassed herself (or Sesshoumaru).

"You must rise miko, it is past midday. The children have been requesting your company."

The thought of entertaining two energetic, fast, loud kids filled her stomach with dread.

"However, there is no rush; Inuyasha is keeping them occupied."

The time traveller groaned for the second time in as many minutes. Today was going to be noisy.