The Heroic and Super-Duper Trials of a Girl and a Demon by UnknownRandomness


Disclaimer:I do not own the Macarena.

A/N: You get two chapters today! I felt like doing another, so here it is. Hope it's a funny one. Oh, and thank you to all my charming reviewers! Your takes on this make me so happy! :)

Prompt: Candle (Week 5)

Word Count: 440

'Slowly Kagome, that's they way to go! Slow and steady wins the race, so slow and not-so-steady I'll be!' 

Kagome had been an honoured guest at the shiro for three days and nights, yet she still managed to get lost. So this was where she found herself; in a corridor searching for the hot springs at some unmentionable hour of the morning with a very small (that was increasingly shrinking) candle as her only source of light.

Earlier she'd had the strangest dream that Sesshoumaru was the person she had freed from Goshinboku, not Inuyasha, and Naraku had baked cookies whilst Sango danced the Macarena. A very, very strange dream which she'd woken up from covered in sweat, leading her to the conclusion that she needed a wash.

And now she was lost in one of the hundreds of corridors joining the guest wing with the central courtyard.

'Okay, so I know for certain that they are on this floor, but which door?' Creeping along the wooden floor, Kagome prayed to the Kami that no slats would creak and wake all the sharp-eared youkai.

Pressing her ear to the first partition, the miko listened for the sound of water dripping or sloshing.


Moving onto the next she listened again.


Sighing silently, she tried the last door. Just as she was about to walk away, the door opened and she fell to the ground with a thump; her candlelight snuffed out of existence. Groaning, Kagome rolled onto her back, slightly upset that she had no light. But when she opened her eyes, she saw that she didn't need it.

Sesshoumaru stared at her from above her spot on the ground, his own candle giving a strong bright glow, illuminating the look of amusement on his face.

"What are you doing, miko?"

Kagome quickly peeled herself from the floor and brushed down her pajamas. "I'm searching for the hot springs Sesshoumaru-sama." 

They stared at one another for a moment before the daiyoukai walked past her."Sesshoumaru? Would you please point me in the right direction?"

When he didn't respond but just continued on his way, the young woman ran after him. He led her to a familiar door. Opening it, she found her room. About to give him a piece of her mind, she stopped when he opened the door on the other side of hers.

Steam billowed out to greet them as the hot water met the cool night air.

She felt like a complete and utter moron.

Looking down at her bare toes, she mumbled a thanks before walking in, closing the door and banging her head against it.
