New Beginning by Namida


A/N: New story! Want to thank Stella for helping with this plunnie and Farein for being my beta. ^_^

Disclaimer for all Chapters. : I do NOT own any of the characters, I only own the plot.

~flashback beginning and end~





"We have all voted. You are fired."

Those words rang in his mind. How could this happen? First his fiancé decided to leave him, and now this? Flinging his long silver hair over his shoulder, the tall imposing man growled.

"Now now Sesshomaru, don't be like that."

A man with long green hair stepped out of the shadows, his forest green suit contrasting with his skin.

"Things change my friend, and you either change with them, or you’re voted out."

Setting his face in stone, Sesshomaru glared at his one time friend.

"Was this your idea?" He all but growled.

Shaking his head, Menomaru sighed. "Old friend, do you really think so low of me as to steal the company from under you?"

Sesshomaru’s facial features didn’t change, but his aura snapped close to him dangerously.

“Oh, and Sesshomaru, your things need to be out of the office and off the premises by 4pm today.” Menomaru threw over his shoulder in an almost bored tone.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru turned and walked towards his office, finding most of his things already packed, thanks to his over efficient secretary. Walking to his office Sesshomaru couldn't help but wonder if the two recent events were connected. His one fiance Kaguya left him eariler in the week claiming they had grown apart, then her brother, his once friend takes over the company they both built from the ground up together. 


"Sesshomaru, we've done it"

Looking over to his long time friend and now partner, he nodded, "Yes Menomaru, we have.."

Turning to Kaguya, who came with them to see the opening of the company, he got to one knee.

"Kaguya, you have stood behind me all these years, You are my best friend, and more, would you honor this Sesshomaru by becoming my bride?"

Shock showed on Kaguya's face, looking over to her brother, Menomaru nodded, his way of giving her his support. "Yes, Sess I'd be delighted."

~end flashback~

Calling Jaken, he had the imp come and get his things taking them back to his home. Luckily, he had enough money to not have to work for a few years. Though being who he was, and having it drilled into his head from his father, Sesshomaru had already begun to plan. He may have to start over, but this time he had experience, and a foot already in the door of the business world, on his side and also a few benefactors his old friend never knew about.



A younger Sesshomaru sat in front of a select group of people.

“Why do you need our help my boy? Surely your partner Menomaru can get you all the backing you need for this venture.” Nods were seen all around. Knowing this was forthcoming Sesshomaru looked around, seemingly weighing everyone with just a glance.

“You see gentlemen, Menomaru and I may have this company together, but alas he is more centered on just one thing, as I would like to branch out a bit more. With your help, I would like to help get this company into a more medical field…”

Looks of surprise were shared between the members in attendance.

“You wish a add medical to a company that deals primarily in weaponry and the like?”

“Precisely.” He replied with a small grin.

~End Flashback~

 Grinning internally Sesshomaru thought back to how easy it was to get people to back him. As it was, those with mutual business interest were likely to help out those of their ‘own kind.’  It was only a matter of time before he would be able to get everything set in motion. 

 Picking up his cell once again, Sesshomaru waited for the person to pick up.

"Ah, Sesshomaru-sama, How can I help you today?” The friendly voice of a work driven female said. “It’s time Sango, this Sesshomaru has been… Released from current obligations.”

Glancing at the television he saw the stocks, chuckling quietly. It seemed already people were pulling out of the company as they were told of the change of C.E.O. 

"Have the correct people been notified?" he asked still watching the news. Sango grinned, knowing he could probably hear it over the phone through her voice. 

"Hai, Sesshomaru-sama, I guess it’s a good thing you planned ahead, we will have to build it up, but you know what to do, I shall be here until seven.”

Hanging up Sesshomaru looked at his now empty office, ‘No, my old office’ he thought, glad that Jaken had hired help that worked quickly, he walked to his designated parking spot for the last time. Things were moving faster than he had originally planned, but no matter. In the end Sesshomaru would get what he wanted.