M is for Miko by Lisa

A is for Abduction

After the events of Sandyhook I feel that it would be remiss of me not to say somethign before diving into this story.  I beleive that the use of guns is a protected right under the Constitution of the United States.  I also beleive that the only people who should be carrying and using them in a public setting are trained law enforcement officers.  That being said, Kagome and her colleges are trained law enforcement officers.  They carry and use guns not only in the traditional capacity, but also as mikos.  This universe that I have dreamed up is as dangerous as the one we live in.  Police officers are trained to respond guns-drawn to any call that may involve violence.  It was not my intention to disturb or upset anyone with this story.

If the mention and use of firearms is upsetting to you, please do not read on.

Also I don't own Inuyasha, which is very very sad.

                Kagome took a long drag from the cigarette before flicking it into the gutter.  It was a filthy habit she’d picked up in high school and had never fully kicked.  On days like this, it resurfaced.  Her long dark hair was pulled into a regulation bun, and she had forgone all makeup.  Too often female cops that wore makeup were mistaken for ladder-climbing socialites, or vice cops.  She was neither.  Stepping out of the rain she nodded to the officers at the desk before catching the elevator to the fourth floor.  At least as a detective she did not have to wear her street blues anymore.  She turned right and opened the doors to robbery/homicide.  Sango looked up and smiled when she came in.

                “That good a day?”

                Kagome grimaced.  She had no idea how her friend always knew when she’d had a cigarette before coming in.  She knew she didn’t smell.  There just had to be something about her demeanor.  She was probably acting guilty.

                “Souta got into a fight at school and mom wanted me to sort it out.”

                “Why?  You’re not his mother.”

                “No, I’m the cop.  Somehow all this bullshit falls on my plate.”

                She sat and shuffled through the various messages.  They had no open cases at the moment, which was rare.  Usually there was always something on the backburner.  Just when she thought that perhaps work would make up for the mess she had in her personal life, Sango’s phone rang.  She snatched it up and began to write down information as Kagome got their coats.  They were out the door and on the elevator in seconds.

                “What have we got?”

                “Looks like a home invasion to the scene cop.  He’s secured everything for CSU, but I guess the dad is pitching a fit.  He wants to go in and the cop had to cuff him in order to preserve our scene.”

                “At least he knows what he’s doing.”

                “Seems like.”

                Kagome got behind the steering wheel and pulled out of the garage.  Sango hated to drive.  She tended to have a temper when people didn’t heed the sirens the way they should.  Then the jailor got mad when they ran out of room because Sango decided to arrest everyone that pissed her off.  It was far less stress for everyone if Kagome drove.  They got to the house in less than ten minutes.  Pulling up they could see a cop in street uniform being dressed down by another officer.  Kagome got out of the car and walked over to them.

                “Just what the hell were you thinking?  He’s a fucking lawyer and you arrest him!”

                Kagome cleared her throat softly and both cops turned.  Her first surprise was the senior cop.  Kouga was wolf youkai and a bit of a loose cannon.  It had always shocked her when she saw that he was a sergeant.  He seemed to enjoy flirting with anything with breasts.  Since they had dated years before he really turned on the charm for her.  He gave her his most winning smile.

                “Detective.  You haven’t returned any of my calls.”

                “No, I haven’t.”

                She was silent and the cop snickered softly.  She smiled at the officer.  He was hanyou, and if her training was to be believed, inu hanyou at that.

                “Thank you for securing the scene officer…”

                “Taisho, ma’am.”

                “Officer Taisho.  Is the husband still in your car?”

                “Yes ma’am.”

                She gestured for him to follow her as she walked over to the car and climbed into the back seat next to the man.  He had his head bowed, his eyes were red.  When he looked at her she could see the grief and anger boiling just below the surface.

                “I’m Detective Higurashi.”

                “Are you going to charge me with something?”

                “No, but the officer was well within his rights to hold you, you know that right?”


                “It was important that the crime scene techs have a clean scene.  It’s important that we have all the information so that we can catch these people.”

                He blinked away tears and nodded.  After he took a deep breath he held up his hands.  “I won’t try to go in there.  Can I please have these removed?”

                “Yes.”  She unlocked the cuffs.  “Can you come down to the station to answer some questions for us?”


                “Is it all right if officer Taisho drives you there?”

                He glanced past her out the window.  “Yeah...he was just doing his job, I get that.”

                “He’s going to take you to the station and get some basic information from you.  It may take us some time to meet you there.”

                “If it helps catch this bastard, I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”

                “Thank you.”

                She slipped out of the car.  “Take him back to the station.  There’s a conference room that we use.  If he needs lunch or anything, just talk to Miroku, he’ll get whatever you want.”

                “Um…why me?”

                “Because you’ve established yourself with him.”

                “I cuffed him and put him in a police car.”

                “And now he trusts you to do whatever is necessary to make sure this case get’s solved.  Stay with him.  Get the preliminary paperwork started.  It may take us some time to get there.”

                “If you say so.”

                He climbed into the car and pulled away.  Kagome found Kouga trying to chat up Sango.  She sighed softly at the dark look Sango was giving him.  She was married with three daughters and she was not at all amused by Kouga’s attentions.  Sango saw her come over and brushed past him.

                “Husband ok?”

                “As ok as you can get with something like this.”

                They moved past the yellow police tape and into the home.  Someone had tossed the drawers in the kitchen and office.  The television was missing as was the computer.  In the bedroom they found the first body.  She looked to be in her thirties or forties.  Kagome knelt and nodded to the coroner.

                “Hi Keiji.”

                “Kagome.  She was shot at close range.  So was her son, he’s in the other room.  According to the neighbor she heard the shots about forty minutes ago.  That jives with what I’m seeing.  I can give you more when I get them back.”

                “I’ll be waiting for your call.”

                She rose and went into the next bedroom.  The boy was only about fifteen.  She glanced at the band posters on the walls and felt anger fill her.  This kid was just starting.  Nothing pissed her off more than crimes against kids.  Sango came in behind her.

                “We may have a problem.”


                “There’s another bedroom, a girl’s.”

                Kagome pulled out her phone and called the station.  Miroku answered.  “It’s Kagome.  Put officer Taisho on the phone.”

                After a long pause Kagome heard the phone transfer and the officer picked it up.  “Officer Taisho.”

                “It’s detective Higurashi.  Please ask Mr.” she glanced at her notes, “Nagano if his daughter was supposed to be home.”

                She heard him relay the question as well as the alarm in Nagano’s voice when he answered.  His daughter was supposed to be home.  She clenched her jaw as the officer got back on the phone.

                “You heard that?”

                “Yes.  Get as much information from him as possible on his daughter and where she may be.  If we’re lucky, she’s at a friend’s house.”

                “And if not?”

                “Not in front of him.”

                “Got it.”

                He disconnected and Kagome looked at Sango.  “Mr. Nagano seems to think she was home.”
