Sesshoumaru's Gift: The Courting by KEdakumi


This tale is a sequel to Sesshoumaru's Gift. I recommend reading it first. Chapter sizes will vary and will be posted when real life allows, though I will try to have it all posted by V-Day.

I have rewritten this story 4 times in an attempt to keep it as light as possible. I'm using Kneazle's Valentine's Day Countdown Challenge to push myself to complete it so the plunnie that has haunted me these last few years (yes, years) will go away. Please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from Inuyasha. I don't make anything from this story except the occasional giggle.


Kagome was being courted by Lord Sesshoumaru, demon Lord of the West. This was a fact that surprised many that knew them. It shouldn't have, though, for as the saying goes, 'opposites attract'. The first few months of their courting was like a dream come true for Kagome. She felt more and more comfortable with Sesshoumaru as he came to visit her each week. He brought her small gifts in the form of hair sticks, jewelry, kimonos or dried meats and herbs. He even had Jaken plant some Snowdrops in her garden. The beautiful flowers, so she was told, had been growing in his personal garden. They would spend the entire day together. He took his time and listened to her and commented when appropriate. He seemed intent on learning of what she knew of her history, his land's future. She knew he was making decisions and plans based on what she was telling him, so she tried to keep the discussions vague, though that didn't always work. At times, she felt as though she was being interrogated, but would brush the thought away... he was just curious. She was getting butterflies in her stomach when she knew he was coming. The happy nervousness grew when she knew he was leaving as well. He ended each visit with a gentle touch of their lips and his fingers gliding gently along the pulse point on her neck. Sango said this was his way of scent marking her so others could tell she is being claimed. Any way Kagome looked at it, she thought it was a beautiful and intimate gesture that left her skin tingling afterward.

She thought it was all going well until they had their first fight. It was one of those days where nothing was going the way it should have. Kagome woke to a cold hut as the fire had gone out through the night. Her chilled, stiff joints protested as she got ready for the day. She stepped out to a thin layer of snow that perfectly disguised patches of ice on the ground. She swore she found every slick spot between her hut and Keade's. She spent most of the morning caring for a sick Keade and Rin, as they both woke with coughing and sneezing. Just as the two females fell asleep, Sesshoumaru walked into the hut.

Kagome stood to greet him, pulling him closing to the fire to warm up a bit. She doubted the cold weather bothered him, but it bothered her that his hands were chilled. As they started to talk, one of the young village men practically burst into the hut. “Lady Keade!” He called, before Kagome could 'shush' him. Keade and Rin continued to sleep thanks to the medicine Kagome had given to them.

“Lady Keade is not feeling well this morning, Aoi, what is the matter?” Kagome softly asked.

Aoi was fidgeting. His red hands, chilled from the brisk air, clutched the tattered blanket around his shoulders. “It's Chika... she said it's time. The baby is coming.”

Kagome frowned. Chika, Aoi's wife, was expecting their first child and she was delivering several weeks too soon. Before she could speak up, Sesshoumaru gave a small growl.

“Has your female another to assist her. The priestess is currently busy.”

Kagome frowned. What was his problem, she wondered. “Aoi, go back to your wife. Keep her calm. I'll be there in a moment.” She said, pushing the trembling farmer's bowed form out the door and ignoring the imposing figure behind her.

She rushed about the hut, gathering Keade's herbs and birthing supplies. It may be a false labor, but she wanted to be ready, just in case. She did a final check on her two sleeping patients.

As she stood and made to lift the bag of supplies, Sesshoumaru grabbed her arm, bringing her to a sudden halt and gaining her undivided attention. “You would leave me to tend villagers?” He growled.

The look she gave him spoke volumes. “I'm sorry, but they need my help.”

“Aren't there other women in the village?”

Kagome crossed her arms. “There are, but Chika is delivering too early. There could be complications...” He looked unconvinced. “Sesshoumaru, this is my duty. I'm sorry it fell on our day together, but this can't wait.”

He frowned. “And neither can I.” And he walked out the hut, leaving her shaking her head.

Later, she took some time to reflect on their little disagreement. It was the first time he truly tried to play the 'I'm above petty villagers' card with her, and she didn't like it. Sure he seemed to always carry that aristocratic air about him, but he hadn't acted that way before. Then she thought of all his questions and the time they spent together. Could it be that he really wasn't interested as much in her, but more so what she was and where she was from? She didn't think he gave a second glance to her until Santa brought up them being together and she told him of her origins. She hoped he wasn't using her. She would give him the benefit of the doubt. All this ran through her mind again as he approached her again after a 2 week absence.