Valentine's day Apologies by BlackInuPup

Almond Cinnamon

Prompt 2 valentine challenge: Almond

Prompt 1 for Spice challenge: Cinnamon

Kagome landed in the shiro’s main garden where her mate stood awaiting her. She leaped of the fire cat giving her one good pat and a hug. Kirara rumbled at her happily before taking off back to Edo. Looking around in question of the changes in the garden, Sesshomaru came over to explain.

“I had the gardeners enhance the growth process for your return Mate” Sesshomaru said.

“What if I had not returned?” Kagome asked with a shy smile.

“Your forgiving nature was my only hope” Sesshomaru admitted to her before motioning somewhere to her left.

Kagome looked to see a large blanket laid out with many different varieties of food. Four low candles burned quietly sending her the scent of cinnamon. Her eyes almost watered at the beautiful scene before her. She really needed to go thank Sango for having the Valentine’s Day conversation with her. She even thanked the gods for blessing her mate with his enhanced hearing. Even though she was angry at her mate she couldn’t stop herself from being over whelmed by her mate’s thoughtfulness.

“Come Mate, join me amongst the Almond blossoms” He rumbled offering her his arm.

“I believe I shall” Kagome said with a happy sigh taking his arm to be lead to the picnic. 


Hey guys I hope you do not mind me mixing the Valentine count down challange in the Spice Challenge together. Sounded like fun at the time and I dont want to make anyone angry. So if you guys dont want me to mix the challenges let me know a.s.a.p and I will work on changing it :). Hope you all enjoy. P.s. The plomaru asked me to make them shorter from now on o.o