The Mated Life by Kneazles


Disclaimer: As much as I wish otherwise, I do not own any of the characters. Inuyasha (and all of the lovely characters) is the creative mastermind of Rumiko Takahashi.
Challenge/Prompt:  Stella's Spicy Challenge, Saffron
Word Count: 100 

Kagome poured the saffron into the muslin bag and tied it shut. She popped the bag into the warm water, watching as colour leached into the water. It would take three hours of simmering before the colour would have saturated the fabric to the degree she needed.

“It would have been far easier to buy a yellow dress rather than dye it yourself,” Sesshomaru spoke softly as he glanced up from the paper to look at his mate who was leaning against the counter.

Kagome shrugged. “Perhaps, however none of the dresses or kimono matched the colour of your obi.”