Valentine's Day Countdown by TheFallenAngel


I do not own Inuyasha!

Prompt: Engagement

Words: 1,018


It was four in the afternoon on February fourteenth and Kagome had just arrived home from work. She had gotten a letter earlier in the day from her secret admirer telling her that a car would be at her home to pick her up at seven. That gave her three hours to get ready before they got there.

Talking to herself Kagome made a list of what she needed to do. “First call Kohaku’s mom and see if Souta can stay the night with him tonight if he can drop him off and then come back home. Then I need to take a shower, do my hair and makeup and get dressed.”

Kagome picked up the phone once inside and made arrangements for Souta. Mrs. Taijiya even said she would pick Souta up from school and bring him over to get some clothes so that was two things already off of her list. Kagome quickly made her way upstairs to take a shower and get ready. She decided to take a relaxing bath since she did not have to worry about Souta. She stayed in the tub until five and then decided to get out and get ready.

Smiling brightly and speaking to herself, “Okay I have pulled out the dress he bought me now let’s see what I want to do with my hair.”

She sat in front of her vanity and hummed to herself as she did her hair in an elegant up do. Once her hair was up she started her makeup and did it in a way where she looked as if she was not even wearing any. She looked into her jewelry box to see what she wanted to wear and smiled brightly when she found a set that Mr. and Mrs. Tashio go her for her birthday when she turned eighteen. The only piece she did not have to go with the set was a ring so she decided to not even wear one. She checked everything over to make sure everything was in place before she put on the dress her secret admirer had gotten her. Once she had her shoes on she double checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good. Happy with her appearance she made her way downstairs as she heard a knock on her door.

She opened the door, “Yes can I help you?”

The man at the door smiled softly, “Ms. Higurashi I presume?”

Kagome smiled, “Yes that is me.”

The man bowed, “I am to be your driver tonight.”

Kagome nodded her head when he straightened up, “Just let me grab my clutch and I will be ready.”

Kagome held her clutch lightly as she followed the man down the shrine steps to the white limo that was waiting. She slipped inside when he opened the door for her. It was not long before they were on their way. The drive was quiet and Kagome was getting nervous and squeaked when the door was opened.

The man smiled and held out his hand to assist her out of the car. “We have arrived Ms. Higurashi. When you go in you are to tell the host you have a reservation under your name.”

Kagome nodded her head and walked into the most expensive and exclusive restaurant in Tokyo.

She saw the smiling hostess, “Hello I have a reservation under Higurashi.”

The hostess’s eyes widen before she spoke, “Oh Ms. Higurashi your companion is already here please follow me.”

Kagome followed the hostess to a very private room it was blocked off from the rest of the restaurant and only had a table set for two with two candles on it. Sitting in one of the chairs was her secret admirer and she could not believe who it was.

Kagome gasped when he turned around, “Sesshomaru.”

He gave her a smile, “Hello Kagome I have been waiting a long time for this.”

He stood and pulled her chair out for her once she was seated he pushed it back in and took his seat.

Kagome was looking at him with a blush on her face, “So it has been you that has been sending me gifts for the past two weeks.”

Sesshomaru nodded his head, “I have been in love with you for years now Kagome and when I saw my chance I took it.”

Kagome gave him a bright smile, “I have to admit I have had feelings for you since I first met you as well. I remember it so well.”

Sesshomaru smirked, “I remember it as well it was the first night you had a sleep over with Inuyasha when you were fifteen and I was twenty.”

Kagome nodded shyly, “I did not think I would ever have a chance with you. How did you find out everything you did to get me those gifts?”

He smirked again, “My adopted daughter Rin is in your little brother Souta’s class and he speaks of you often. Rin helped me a lot with your gifts she would ask Souta all kinds of questions and then go with me to pick your gifts when she got home.”

Kagome nodded her head and they ate in silence once they were done eating Sesshomaru took her hand and lead her to the roof of the restaurant. That way they were under the stars for her last gift. He watched her for a moment while they were on the roof and then got down on one knee while she was not looking.

Kagome turned back to him and gasped, “Sesshomaru what are you doing?”

He grinned at her, “Kagome Higurashi I have been in love with you for six years. I would be the happiest and most honored demon in the world if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife and mate.”

Kagome could do no more than nod her head with tears streaming down her face. Sesshomaru placed an engagement ring on her finger that matched the jewelry set she was already wearing. He stood an placed a gentle kiss to her lips.

A/N: What Kagome is wearing.








The engagement ring Sesshomaru gave her. This is the set but the one with the diamond is the one Sesshomaru just gave her.: