Prompt: Nutmeg!
Ch. 14 Coffee
Sesshoumaru waited in the Café. Located down the street from his work. Kagome had called him, just as they had planned. Also ordering three Grogs from the waitress that wouldn’t leave him alone. Kagome snickered behind his back. He half turned to her. “What is so funny?”
“Nothing…” Another one slipped past her lips. “Grog! Hah, hah.”
“It is a good drink. Rich, spicy and sweet. With cream, sugar, butter, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, orange, and lemon. You would like it.”
“A holiday Grog!“ She grinned at him.
Turning back around he choose to ignore her. Rolling his eyes. Just as he expected, when the three drinks were finished, he handed one to Kagome. Much to the waitresses disappointment. “Here, it‘s on me.”
“Thank you.”
He heard Kagome moan in delight. Raising a brow at the not unpleasant sound. Taking a sip of his own drink. Feeling rather smug that he made a good choice. “Told you.”
“Shut it.” She mumbled. Not able to get rid of her smile.