A Smell So Sweet by BelovedStranger

Dark Desires I



Vanilla has a remarkable story, filled with history, intrigue, passion, and piracy. The word vanilla, derived from the diminutive of the Spanish word vaina, meaning sheath. Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans are considered to be the highest quality pure vanilla available, described as having a creamy, sweet, smooth, mellow flavor.

Vanilla is also referred to in sex. Vanilla sex (or conventional sex) is a description of what a culture regards as standard or conventional sexual behavior. Different cultures, subcultures and individuals have different ideas about what constitutes this type of sex. Often, it is interpreted as sex which does not involve such elements as BDSM, kink, or fetish activities.

This chapter is dedicated to Stella ^^ I had fun brainstorming this with you, girl! Another AU.

“Do you wish for company this night?” a seductively sinful voice whispered behind her as she felt someone’s breath next to her ear ruffling the hair at her temple.

Whipping around, holding a hand to her offended ear, Kagome took a few hasty steps back to regard the male who dared to scare the life out of her. Her hand left her ear unconsciously to flutter at her breast to cover her frantically beating heart at the sight of the imposing man before her. He was dressed in a white shirt that laced up in front but kept the ties loose midway up his chest revealing alabaster skin with frilly lace cuffs. His pants were skin tight and leather by the look of them even by the light of the full moon over head. He also wore mid-calf boots that looked soft to the touch. His frilly shirt should have made him look girlish but the broad, hairless chest she could see through the purposeful gape in the material and his beautifully, masculine features somehow pulled off the gothic style.

Her breath whizzed out of her lungs, her mouth slightly parted when she took in his angelic face. His hair was impossibly long, she could tell, because even though he had it tied back in a loose ponytail the silken locks ruffled around his waist in the slight breeze. His face was pale but not sickly so. His cheek bones were high and aristocratic; his nose sloping in an elegant way, and thin yet kissable lips that were at the moment smirking at her ever so slightly, but it was his eyes that captivated her. They should have scared her as the orbs glowed crimson in the darkness, but they held such strong sexual appeal as they perused her form that she felt her muscles melt in primal awareness.

She blinked when she heard him chuckle then blushed as she realized that she had been silently staring. Hiding behind her anger, she said defensively, “You can’t just sneak up on people like that! Its rude and—and,” Kagome lost her trail of thought when his lips curled further into a dark smile that sent shivers down her spine.

He walked up to her and she was helpless to run when he stopped right before her with only an inch or two between them. She could feel a chill radiating off of him, but his eyes held such fire as they captured her gaze.

He cupped her cheek in the palm of his right hand and leaned down until he was a breath away from touching his lips to hers inhaling the air she breathed. The intimacy of the small act rocked her to her core, but she noticed something off about this man besides the demonic glint in his eye and impossible beauty.

“Your hand’s cold,” she whispered, unable to turn her blue eyes from his red ones.

His breath moved across her cheek and down to the erratic beat of her pulse as he whispered, “Then warm them with your heat.”

She raised her hands to clasp his lean hips as she turned her head to the side allowing him more access even though he hadn’t touched her yet other than cup her cheek, though now he moved his hand to her breast flattening his palm to feel her heart beat. She felt a sharp point graze her pulse and she jumped while her breath caught in her lungs.

“Y-you’re not human,” she whispered in the ear that was near her face before she lowered her forehead against the broad shoulder he had bent towards her shivering from her rise in sexual awareness.

He kissed her throat, sucking on the vein that beat so strongly there. “You know what I am.”

“Vampire,” she said with soft conviction, clinging to his hips in need.

“But you still want me.” He licked a path up her neck to latch onto the lobe of her ear, nipping her flesh with his sharp fangs.

She gasped, her knees threatening to give out. She didn’t understand why she felt so attracted to this demon, but their shared lust was undeniable when he thrust his hips into her stomach where she felt the unmistakable feel of his hard length rubbing into her between their clothes and the growing wetness between her thighs.

“Yes,” she admitted, swallowing, trying to relieve her parched throat. Oh God, how she wanted him, needed him! Her womb clenched at just the thought of his hard thrusts inside her.

“Let me take you to my domain,” he coaxed in the devil’s voice.

She nodded against his shoulder and impenetrable darkness surrounded then, his deep chuckle filled with wicked intent.

Somehow the next thing she was aware of, they were in a strange room when he released her. Quickly her gaze darted around the dimly lit room. Red thick, long candles rimmed the room in a light vanilla fragrance that had a pleasing yet innocent quality which was totally at odds with the décor. The room had a gothic feel to it, with stone walls covered in elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of nude women, dark knights and battle scenes. However, one wall far to her right was bare save for a pair of iron manacles latched into the stone. Her mind flashed through erotic images of her locked and helpless while her mysterious vampire lover ravished her then her eyes lowered to see a heavy chest near the wall but further down from the manacles. She could only guess what it might contain.

The floor had a lush crimson carpet that she knew would be soft under her toes before her eyes continued their perusal of his lavish room. Unable to ignore the canopy bed any longer, curious with her nerves on edge, she took in the huge expanse of the bed noting how it could fit over four very large men and how thick black curtains were tied back on massive hard wood posts. She licked her lips in a nervous anticipatory gesture as her eyes caressed the black cotton comforter trimmed in gold with black pillows also trimmed in a like manner. The bed was made so neat and fine, her mind instantly saw her limbs entangled with this vampire’s as they moved together in a heated embrace twisting the blanket and sheets around their straining sweet covered bodies. 

She blinked to dispel the erotic image when the clearing of a throat caught her immediate attention. Blushing when her eyes met the vampire’s crimson gaze, she was sure he was aware of her less than innocent thoughts. He motioned to the small table beside his left hip that held more candles, a bowl of fruit, and a bucket filled with ice and a bottle of what was probably expensive champagne resting inside to stay chilled.

She noticed that a huge fireplace was built into the wall behind him with two stuffed chairs situated before a small blazing fire. She wasn’t sure if her hands fluttered in nerves or anticipation when more heated thoughts entered her mind.

“Refreshments if you desire them, aijin,” he told her as his eyes lowered slightly, gazing at her with sexual hunger. She swallowed at the provocative look then he was offering her a glass of the champagne. “A drink perhaps?” He smiled and flashed a hint of fang causing her stomach to tighten in need.

Shaking her head as she tightened her hands into fists, she looked at him with a steady gaze allowing him to see the fire that burned in her eyes when she said, “I want you. In that bed. Fucking me so hard I won’t be able to stand later.”

She watched his nostrils flared as he set down the glass and stalked back to her to place a hand at the small of her back to draw her into his body while his eyes spoke of unspeakable pleasure he had in store for her. He caressed her rapidly beating pulse with the tips of his fingers before hooking his hand behind her neck to tilt her head back. “You would fuck a stranger?” his voice was low and wicked.

Kagome kept her hands down at her sides as she was helpless to do anything but look up at the magnificent male before her almost unbelieving he was about to be hers. “If you tell me your name, we won’t be strangers,” she answered breathlessly.

He grinned and the amusement went all the way to his eyes before his mouth lowered slowly towards hers until he was licking at her lips and kissing her with leashed passion. “Sesshomaru,” he whispered against her mouth. Moaning Kagome rested her hands on his hips to anchor herself as she went on tip toe to add more pressure to the tantalizing kiss, needing him to be as hard and brutal as his eyes had promised her earlier.

He answered her impatience by nipping at her bottom lip hard enough to draw a drop of blood. She gasped at the slight pain but pushed her breasts against his as her sex twitched madly begging to be caressed. Sesshomaru echoed her moan as he sucked on her abused flesh savoring her taste. Then he drew his head back breathing more heavily as he gazed down into her upturned face. “And you, aijin? What is your name?” his hand came up to cup her cheek while his thumb brushed over her lips admiringly.

“Kagome,” she said softly.

“Well Kagome. I want to see this mouth wrap around my cock as I fuck it.” His hand moved down to stroke her throat. “And this throat to drink my seed.”  He forced her legs to spread when he pushed his knee between her thighs and a hand once again at her lower back to rub her jean clad core against his thigh. “As you will take my seed here.” Then his hand lowered to cup her buttocks. “And here.”  

“Yes, please. Now,” Kagome begged, her face flushed.

“Patience, aijin,” he chuckled wickedly.

Sesshomaru moved his hands caressingly in front of her body as he slowly unbuttoned her blouse while watching her expression. She was impatient to have him, but his forced slowness turned her on. When his eyes left hers to gaze at her revealed bra clad breasts, she thrust her chest out in a silent offering daring him to touch and fondle them.

Her shirt fell from her shoulders, but he was already kissing the tops of her breasts and her hands went to his hair. When she felt the ribbon that kept his mane bound, Kagome disposed of it so she could run her fingers through the long strands. He kissed the tip of each nipple through her bra, the gesture sending goose bumps down her arms before he went to his knees to swirl his tongue down her abdomen while his hands kneaded her jean clad ass.

She panted for breath, her body felt hot and heavy, as she watched him dip his tongue into her belly button tickling the nerves there before he nibbled on her sensitive hips bones. Her hands clenched in his hair to hold him tighter to her as he did it again while a needy moan slipped from her lips.

His name fell like a siren’s call when he unbuttoned her jeans, hooked his thumbs in the band of the garment, and drew the material down her thighs then her calves before he helped her step out of it. Sesshomaru lifted her left knee over his shoulder while his gaze never left her wet panties. He drew his fingers over the wet spot causing her to buck her hips silently begging for more.

“You’re already dripping for me, Kagome,” he breathed over her sex, the warmth of his breath doing delicious things to her nerves.

“What are you going to do about it?” she panted, lifting a challenging brow when he looked up at her.

The glint in his crimson stare intensified before he leaned in to kiss her open mouth on her panty covered pussy lips never taking his eyes from hers, the challenge in his gaze unmistakable for her to watch him pleasure her. She was already strung tight as a bow, her body ready for release even though he hardly touched her previously, but the anticipation mixed with the erotic swirl of his tongue and nip of his fangs on her inner thighs had her climbing towards a fast release.

She was almost to the peak, her knee threatening to give out on her at any second when he stopped. Shaking her head in denial, Kagome tried to drag him back to her sex with her hold on his hair but he was far stronger and instead stood before her.

His chuckle at her frenzied movements angered her. “Sesshomaru,” she panted, her eyes glaring at him in frustration. Before he could respond she tore at his shirt, ripping the fabric and shoving it off his shoulders in quick, jerky movements needing to touch him while her body raged at her for fulfillment. She had to get him naked so he could fill her aching and empty sheath or go mad.

She bit his shoulder in reprimand for denying her an orgasm, his deep groan filling her ears while her hands stroked along his muscled arms, across the wide span of his chest, and then circled a dark nipple with her tongue and plucking the other with her fingers making both tighten under her attentions.

Sesshomaru’s breath whooshed out of his lungs, his hands tight on her upper arms to hold her to him. “Kagome…I knew it’d be wild with you.” He then clinched his teeth when her mouth went to his collar bone and she bit him again and he grabbed the back of her hair to keep her close. His hips pushed against hers and she thrust back moaning her desire.

“Yes, aijin. I know what you need,” he breathed before he forced her away from his body to tear her bra off, but before she could move he was tying the garment around her wrists and behind her back.

“Sesshomaru,” she protested even though her breathing hitched in growing excitement at his actions.

“Hush. I’ve got you.” Sesshomaru picked her up in his strong arms and carried her to one of the chairs before the fire to set her gently upon it. 

He placed a hard chaste kiss upon her panting mouth then retreated when she tried to deepen the kiss to which she glared at him in reprimand. “Your angry expression only makes me want to fuck you harder,” he told her, his voice rougher than before.

Grabbing a fat candle off the table next to the fruit and champagne situated beside him, Sesshomaru held the flame before her rapt gaze before placing the flame of the candle near her left nipple, but far enough away that she felt soothing warmth engulf the peak. Her breath hitched in her lungs as she realized what he was about to do, her eyes dilating in anticipation as the scent of vanilla grew stronger by the candle’s proximity.

Judging by her reaction, Sesshomaru knew she would enjoy this part of their encounter as well. Putting a hand against her lower back, he tilted her hips up before he dripped hot wax on her stomach when her hiss of pleasure reached his ears. “You like that?” He watched the wax slither enticingly downward in red trails until her panties stopped its progress, saving her sex from being burned.

She squirmed in his hold. Leaning down making sure the candle was extended away from them, he blew his breath on the cooled wax upon her trembling belly. Kagome cried out at the pleasurable pain of the wax he then dripped on her thighs after he had placed her comfortably back on the cushioned chair. Before the wax cooled, his finger played in the heated liquid spreading it across her thighs.

 He then used gently fingers to wipe away all traces of the red wax. The sight had him trembling as he put the candle away. It reminded him of blood and his incisors throbbed to pierce her vein and drink in the life giving fluid. His bite was very erotic to the receiver, so he had no fears he would ruin the moment and hurt the girl.

“I think you are a little hot, aijin. Allow me to cool you off,” he said in a guttural voice.

Taking a few ice cubes from the bucket holding the champagne, Sesshomaru put one in his mouth and held the other in his right hand. Leaning towards the now pink flesh caused by the hot wax, he put his lips against the area to rub the ice cube in soothing circles there. The ice in his hand drifted up to circle her left nipple.

Kagome threw her head back and squirmed in the chair. She was unable to remember if she had ever been so aroused. The hotness of the wax now mixed with the coolness of the ice set her nerves on fire and her womb clenched needing release bad. “Sesshomaru! Please…fuck me now,” she begged, looking down at him.

She watched him return her look before leaning up to kiss her and force the small shard of ice into her mouth which she gladly drank down to cool her hot throat. “Not yet,” he whispered wickedly in her ear to which she shook her head sharply in denial of his refusal.

However, he removed her panties causing her breath to get lodged in her lungs, and then he was putting her thighs over the arms of the chair, spreading her wide to his gaze. The light of the fire in the grate and the candles made it easy for them both to see how her juices flooded from her sex. She heard Sesshomaru growl and she looked up to see his crimson gaze focused entirely on her weeping core.

Kagome’s mouth went dry when he released his huge, long cock and shoved his leather pants down his muscular thighs, his balls drawn tight to his body. She watched him entranced as he grasped the base of his thick length and drew his fist up then back down to be repeated. She licked her lips when the bulbous tip leaked a few drops of semen only to be smeared along his member by his pumping hand.

His gaze never left her wet pussy, watching as it leaked further fluids as she continued to watch him pleasure himself. “Please, Sesshomaru,” she whimpered, her muscles tense while she tried to break her bonds to get to him.

He shook his head, breathing heavily and groaning. “I want you to watch. I want to mark you on the outside as well as the inside so everyone will know that you are mine.”

Kagome continued to watch as he put his hips into it by thrusting his cock into his fist. His thighs tensed in his movements while his balls swung slightly forward and back with his momentum. More semen leaked out of the mushroom tip, but he paid the leakage no mind and continued to thrust into his hand until he came with a hoarse shout, aiming his cock at her so that she could see and feel the hot splash of his orgasm on her thighs and pussy.

She was breathing as heavily as he was, her core clenching as it attempted to absorb his sticky fluid inside to no avail. She was almost weeping as she sawed at her binds. “Fuck me…fuck me…” she chanted over  and over as she noticed in relief that he was still erect. She would die if he didn’t!

Without preamble he grasped her hips in hard hands ignoring his semen that coated her lower body and thrust powerfully into her weeping core as they both cried out at his entrance. He was so big and thick Kagome felt full while Sesshomaru hissed at the warm, wet, and tight sheath that grasped his cock like a vice.

He took her hard, no more teasing. Her breasts bounced at his violent thrusts, the chair quivering at his movements, but she didn’t care. Her whole focus was on his huge cock that continuously retreated and pushed back inside her, the mushroom tip caressing her pulsing inner walls deliciously.

“Tell me you want this,” he growled at her, surging inside her before retreating to repeat the movement.

Small cries were escaping her parted lips but she was able to reply haltingly, “You…I want you…”

He watched as his cock was buried repeatedly inside her tight pussy causing him to snarl in conquest. Suddenly her walls tightened and clenched around him and he groaned almost going to his knees as she tightened further around him and climaxed on a silent scream.

He thrust through her spasms refusing to reach oblivion himself just yet and when she finally came down from her high, he removed his cock from her weeping core to pick her up and take her seat before arranging her on his lap so that her back was to his heaving chest. He thrust powerfully back inside her, moving her legs on either side of his knees to keep her spread wide for his invasion.

His ass clenched and unclenched as he surged upwards into her. His hands rose to knead her bouncing breasts roughly, pinching the erect nipples as she arched her back against him moaning and crying out her pleasure.

His leaned forward to growl in her ear, never stopping the pounding movements of his thrusts. “I am going to fuck you whenever, wherever, and for as long as I desire.” He thrust into her harder. “You can never hide from me if you ever try to run because I will find you and I will still fuck you.”

Then he bit her neck, drinking in her hot blood, the taste of her coating his mouth and throat in delicious waves. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders to make sure his thrusting hips didn’t cause his fangs to rip her and tear her flesh under his fangs. He knew he could never get enough of her taste or the way her pussy tightened around him.

Kagome cried out when his fangs sank deep, another orgasm hitting her hard and still he pounded into her, the sound of their coupling ringing through the room. When she felt herself start to come down from her high, she felt ringlets of blood flow from her neck and down her breasts. She looked down as best she could while Sesshomaru continued to drink from her neck and saw streaks of her blood roll to his hands that where still playing with her breasts, smearing the blood along her white flesh.

A second later she felt him surge powerfully inside her, his hands stilled, and she went deaf when he roared his release near her ear after he removed his fangs from her vein. She felt his seed shoot inside her in a warm wave and climaxed again, milking his cock for long seconds as he continued to come.

She fell against his sweaty, heaving chest in exhaustion, her arms still tied behind her back and his cock still buried inside her but softer. She felt him nuzzle her shoulder and he held her tightly and whispered her name before she fell asleep.