To Break A Curse by TheFallenAngel


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha!

Challenge: Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge 2014

Prompt Number: Week 38

Prompt: Grandfather

Word Count: 400




Kagome was still upset but she knew that they needed to get this done and then she could take a nice long soak in the springs. Kikyo could tall that Kagome was ready to get this over with Atsuko and Hinata had some others join them already so all that was left was the Northern wing, the dining hall, ballroom, entrance hall, and gardens. Miroku was off in a corner examining the layout they had given him.

Kagome cleared her throat and smiled once more, “This next list is for the Northern wing!”

A young female dragon yokai hopped up quickly smiling brightly she bowed, “My Ladies my name is Moriko and I would be honored to do this task. My grandfather served the Northern family for many years and I grew up there.”

Kikyo smiled but agreed, “Alright Moriko you are the leader of this group the nine that wish to join stand with her.”

Kagome gave a soft smile to the young one then turned her attention to the next paper that she held, “Alright we will need at least thirty for the dining hall!”

No one jumped up for that one and Kagome gave Kikyo a curious look.

Kikyo called out, “Would no one like to volunteer to lead this group?”

Yuri the head servant stepped forward, “No one wishes to volunteer for this one because of the head cook my Ladies.”

Kagome frowned then sighed, “Alright we will come back to that one the next one is the ballroom and we need at least fifty for this room.”

A male snake yokai slither forward and bowed, “My name is Goro my Ladies and I would be honored to complete this task.”

Kikyo smiled and handed him the list calling out for the forty nine that wished to join gather around him.

Kagome held up the next sheet, “The entrance hall is next and we need twenty for this room.”

A male fox yokai stepped forward, “My Ladies I Yuuto would be honored to do this task.”

Kikyo handed him the list and called for the rest to join him.

Kagome held up the last list, “This one is for the gardens and we need at least twenty more to help the gardeners to get it ready. If you are willing let the head gardener know so that he knows who will be coming in the morning.