To Break A Curse by TheFallenAngel


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha!

Challenge: Sunset Miko’s Once a Week Challenge 2014

Prompt Number: Week 34

Prompt: Bicycle

Word Count: 312




Once all the servants where gathered Kikyo and Kagome walked up onto a platform in the front of the room giving them all bright smiles.

Kikyo spoke first, “Hello to you all. You are probably wondering why we called you here today. Well the reason is quiet simple really we would like some of you to help us get everything ready for the ceremonies that will take place soon.”

There was a load cheer from the servants gathered.

Kagome smiled taking up where her sister left off, “We know all of you would like to help however we have things divided up because everything that normally gets done around the palace still needs to be done. We cannot pull you all away just to assist us with this. So here is what we will do.”

Kikyo cleared her throat taking over once more, “We will call out what needs to be done and how many people we need to do it. The first person to respond will be the leader of this specific group they will have to help as well as make sure everything is done the way it needs to be.”

All of the servants nodded their understanding.

Kagome held up the first list and was about to speak until the resident inventor came rushing into the room.

“My Ladies I have something most important that I wish to show you!”

Kagome sighed, “Can this wait Kai we are in the middle of something at the moment?”

Kai quickly shook his head, “It will not take long Lady Kagome I promise.”

Kikyo sighed and instructed the servants to stay there and they would return quickly.

Both girls gasped when they saw the two wheeled contraption that Kai had made this time.

Kagome touched it curiously, “What is it Kai?”

Kai smiled brightly, “I am calling it a bicycle my Lady!”