I do not own Inuyasha!
The forest was quiet this morning except for the laughter coming from two children and four adults. Kagome was still embarrassed about the day before and could not face Sesshomaru without all of the blood rushing to her face. Since this happened every time she saw him it could be said that she now had a permanent blush staining her cheeks.
Kikyo giggled once more, “You have to admit it is funny Kagome.”
Sango’s laughter followed as she agreed, “I have never seen you so caught up with training that you were not paying attention to what was taking place around you.”
Kagura smirked proclaiming, “I think she was showing off for him.”
Kagome’s blush deepened to an even darker shade of red, “I was so not showing off for him!”
The other three girls burst out laughing at poor Kagome’s misfortune.
Kagome glared at them all and huffed, “It is not that funny guys besides he probably thinks I am a complete airhead now.”
The girls all sobered up at that and looked at each other somberly it was not right for them to make fun of Kagome after such an incident. They thought about how they would feel if something like that had happened to them and immediately apologized for making her feel so bad.
Kagome sighed feeling a little better now that they were no longer making fun of the incident as she decided to call it. “It is alright guys besides I should have been paying closer attention. The only thing that confuses me is that I checked my clothing before leaving the room and I did not see any loose threads.”
Kikyo’s eyes narrowed as she thought about this from what she was told the thread had been caught on a limb of the tree that Sesshomaru had been sitting beside. He would not do that would he?