I do not own Inuyasha!
Kagome was so embarrassed that she fled from the clearing. Leaving Sesshomaru alone with the sight he had just seen that may have been a very good idea. The vision continued to dance through his mind until a rude voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Hey asshole what the hell did you do to Kagome?”
Sesshomaru huffed, “This one did nothing to Kagome Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha snarled at him, “The hell you did not Kagome just ran through the palace and locked herself in her room.”
Sesshomaru smirked, “This one did nothing however she could be embarrassed considering a loss thread from her obi caught on a tree limb as we entered the clearing so she could train.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened, “You mean.”
Sesshomaru continued to have a smug smirk, “Yes indeed I do mean.”
Inuyasha groaned, “It may be best to leave her alone for the rest of the day.”
Sesshomaru nodded his agreement, “Would you be willing to help this one collect the tread from her obi Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha eyed his brother for a moment, “Why do you want it?”
Sesshomaru actually grinned, “I believe I would like to have her another obi made using the exact same thread. I will use it as my fist courting gift to her.”
Inuyasha chuckled, “You are a vindictive bastard you know that right.”
Sesshomaru gave him a hurt look, “Now why would you say such a thing little brother?”
Inuyasha continued to chuckle, “Simply because the only reason you are doing this is so that she never forgets the first time you caught a glimpse of her body.”
Sesshomaru outright laughed this time, “Indeed you are correct little brother. However it will also be a lesson. She should never be so caught up in her training that she does not notice that her obi has unraveled and her haori has fallen open.”
Inuyasha laughed along with him as the gathered the thread from Kagome’s ruined obi. “You have one hell of a since of humor Sesshomaru.”