To Break A Curse by TheFallenAngel


I do not own Inuyasha!





Sesshomaru was so lost in thought and arguing with his beast that he was no longer paying attention to Kagome’s practice. Their argument was getting more and more heated by the moment.

Beast snarled at him, “Why will you not take her? She would make a perfect mate!”

Sesshomaru snarled right back, “You know we are cursed! What if she is not the one? Would you chance her life as well as ours?”

Beast growled lowly, “We could court her to see if she is the one.”

Sesshomaru scoffed at his beast, “What would we say? This Sesshomaru would like to court you to see if you are the one that will break my curse so that we both do not die if you are not!”

Beast rolled his eyes and snarled once more, “YES!”

Sesshomaru considered his beast for but a moment, “Perhaps you are correct and that it would work. What would we do if she fell for us and she is not the one? We would have to break her heart.”

Beast smirked knowing he was winning this argument, “She already knows of the curse and we already know that we are her destined. If it does not work she would be hurt yes but we would also know for sure that she is not the one for us.”

Sesshomaru huffed, “You are correct this one will speak to her about it at a later time.”

Happy that he had one the argument Sesshomaru’s beast once more faded to the back of his mind. No longer distracted by his beast Sesshomaru resumed watching Kagome with her practice. He noticed something strange from the corner of his eye. It was blue and it lead from a tree limb directly to Kagome. Curiosity getting the better of him Sesshomaru went to investigate the strange blue thread.

Once he figured out what the thread was he called out to Kagome, “Kagome This Sesshomaru suggests that you stop for the moment.”

Kagome stopped and looked at him curiously she had been so focused on her training that she had not noticed anything. However when she turned to face him Sesshomaru’s eyes widened in shock at what he saw. Kagome wondering what had him so shocked looked down and let out a high pitched scream at what she saw.