A/N: Please forgive the lack of updates on this story. I was having some minor computer problems. I believe they are fixed though so I will now be updating as usual.
I do not own Inuyasha!
Kagome decided that it was time for her to begin her training once again so after breakfast she set out to do just that. She had been looking for about an hour but had yet to find a place that she could practice her archery.
Kagome sighed when she felt his presence, “Good morning Sesshomaru I trust you slept well.”
Sesshomaru smirked, “Indeed, tell me Kagome what are you doing?”
Kagome blushed, “I was looking for a place to practice my archery.”
Sesshomaru gave her a contemplating look, “Come this one has a place you may practice.”
Kagome smiled brightly and followed behind him. When he came to a stop they were standing in a clearing that could fit two of Sesshomaru in his true form.
Kagome gasped, “This place is beautiful Sesshomaru are you sure that I can practice here?”
Sesshomaru scoffed, “Of course this one is sure.”
Kagome smiled at him, “Thank you Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru simply nodded his head and took a seat next to a tree that was behind her.”
Kagome’s eyes widened in shock, “Are you going to stay?”
Sesshomaru contemplated for but a moment, “This one wishes to see how much you have progressed since this one saw you last.”
Kagome giggled, “Alright then however I must tell you I have come far in my training since we last saw each other.”
Sesshomaru just watched as Kagome strung her bow and began pouring her power into it. Sesshomaru was not expecting what he saw when the dust cleared for the arrow she shot. His eyes widened in shock it appeared that she had grown in power greatly since their last encounter.
He smirked, “It seems you have grown in power Kagome. This one would like to see what else you have learned.”
Kagome nodded her head, “Very well but it will take more than one day to show you everything.”
Sesshomaru nodded his understanding, “Then we shall meet here every day until you have shown me everything.”
Kagome blushed and giggled, “Alright that is acceptable to me.”
Sesshomaru smirked once Kagome turned back to her practice and began to think to himself and speak with his beast.