Kagome's Roommate by Phaedairu

Chapter One

Disclaimer & AN: So this is my new story called Kagome's Roommate. Original title, right? It's a drabble series based off of Kagome Yuki Niwa's Weekly Word Prompts. Please feel free to leave a review and let me know what you think!  I don't own Inuyasha! :)

*Updates for this story will mostly be daily.

Prompt: Unbearable

Word Count: 125

After a long, tiring day at work, all Kagome wanted to do was come home to her warm apartment, a romance novel and a bottle of wine. Ever since Sesshoumaru had become her roommate, however, coming home was no longer the one pleasurable thing she looked forward to every day.

Sesshoumaru was having his apartment refurbished and Kagome offered for him to stay with her until it was finished. Something she didn't count on was that Sesshoumaru had basically become a second job. He demanded that she cook for him, clean for him and, worst of all, do his laundry. Sesshoumaru was very strict when it came to hygiene, so his clothes were perfectly clean, but Kagome found that washing Sesshoumaru's underwear was absolutely unbearable.