Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.
A/N: Thank you for the support readers!
Kagome has been extremely strange for the past few days. She is not her usual cheerful, talkative self. She preferred bathing alone instead of going with Sango. She did not even tell bedtime stories to the kids every night like the one she used to do! Everyone is getting anxious. No one knows what her problem is but they chose to remain silent.
“Kagome-sama will open up in her own time,” Miroku said. He is also worried but he does not want to pressure her.
Since then, they tried to act normal but they are watching her every move.
They just finished killing a bear youkai who was pathetically trying to snatch away the shards from Kagome when Inuyasha turned around to glare at the young miko.
“What is wrong with you, huh?!” Inuyasha yelled at her.
Kagome looked from where the bear lay towards the angry hanyou.
She blinked a few times before replying. “What?”
“Don’t what what me, Kagome! You are acting weird! You almost got yourself killed because you are not paying attention!!!” He snarled, frustrated.
“Stop yelling at her, dog!” Kouga snapped at Inuyasha.
“Shut up!” Inuyasha yelled.
Kagome looked at her best friend. He is worried. He is just concerned for her that’s why he looks so frustrated right now. Somehow, this thought makes her feel suddenly all right. Oh, her hanyou love. Concerned in his own way. She smiled. Everyone gapped. It’d been a long time since they saw this cheerful smile of hers.
She ran to Inuyasha who continued arguing with Kouga and said, “Thank you for saving me again.” She whispered while hugging him from behind. When she pull away, Inuyasha stared at her and she smiled at him.
Then, she looked at Kouga and smiled her bright smile. He blushed. The arguing between the two stopped at last.
Sesshomaru watched the scene unfold from the sideline. He is anxious himself for seeing Kagome act strange for the past few days. She seems sad. He found that he doesn’t want to see her sad.
So, when she suddenly smiled again. He almost breathes a sigh of relief. Finally! It feels right to see her smile even if that smile is directed at Inuyasha and not at him.
He turned away, not seeing Kagome’s blue eyes following his every graceful step away from them.
All is happy that night as they set up camp. Sango and Kagome took a bath together. Kagome put the children in bed with a cheerful bedtime story. Inuyasha finally heard what he wanted to hear from her. Kagome finally renewed her promise to him so he feels great. Kouga and his brothers got to spend some time talking with her and they feel great too.
But, Kagome is not really feeling that great. She feels fine. Just fine. She doesn’t want to tell anybody but she feels so sad because of him.
When, she went to her sleeping bag to sleep, she saw a little cake with a note.
The note says:
This cake is made from anise.
I offer it to you in exchange of your smile, miko.
After reading it, a small smile appeared on her face while hugging the note close to her heart.
She wanted to hate Sesshomaru. For breaking her heart, for having someone else, for having a mate and for making her fall for him this way. But how could she hate someone this sweet and romantic in his own way?
Oh, Sesshomaru. You’re making it harder for me to let go. She thought.
A/N: Please review!! :D
Word Count: 590
Prompt: Anise - Spicy Challenge
Anise - In Biblical times, anise was so highly prized that it was often used for tithes, offerings and payment of taxes. The tradition of wedding cake stems from the early use of spiced cake made with aniseed at the end of a Roman marriage feast. The taste is sweet and spicy, and the odour aromatic and agreeable. Anise is also used to flavor spirits such as Absinthe or more commonly known “The Green Fairy”.